Chapter 51 - The Ruler's Day ~ Part 2

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2nd of February,1997 - 12:00

I took a deep breath in and nodded to Rodolphus, it's time I guess...

The guards opened the door and I froze. There were so many people. Swallowing the lump that was forming in my throat, I started walking, praying to Merlin I wouldn't trip over my own two feet.

Somehow I made it to the front of the crowd where Rodolphus left me, heading over to stand with Bella, Rabastian and Barty. I look up at Tom who I just noticed is nearly a whole foot taller than me. He was dressed up in a black pair of robes, quite similar to mine except mine are white. His eyes shone bright red, they were filled with a life that wasn't always there, but that made it even better. Just then I saw Tom starting to speak and thought I should start to listen in,

Tom - "Harry, The first time I ever saw you was behind bars in Azkaban. You had passed out from dementor exposure, though that is normal there..."

At this some laughed and the few that had experienced Azkaban shuddered, like I did myself.

Tom - "...As we started working together more we became close, closer than anyone else had ever gotten. It just kind of spiralled from there."

I cleared my throat quietly before starting my part of the vows,

Harry - "Well, I don't remember much from when you rescued me from Azkaban... but it was nice to wake up on a bed again."

Again more people laughed and others sighed as they knew what proper beds felt like and appreciated them just a bit more.

Harry - "Somehow I caught your attention and you trained me, first I became your right hand man and then somehow the next you became my lover. And I will love you forever."


Tom - "Now we can focus on getting rid of Dumbledore, Riddle."
Harry - "I wouldn't have it any other way, husband."


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