Chapter 10 - day 728 (part 1)

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Guess what.... it's been two years.

Two years in this dump of a prison and I haven't gotten contacted once. Not by Dumbledore, his order of the Kentucky Fried Chicken or any of my friends.  I'll admit I'm a bit surprised that my friends haven't tried to contact me, we are allowed one letter a month. The Lestrange's get one from the Malfoy's, usually from Narcissa and an odd time Lucius. Draco however doesn't write anything on their letters which does upset Bellatrix. Although she doesn't let it show, I would sometimes see and hear her up late in the night crying but she doesn't let it show to anyone else. It's not like we can write back to them anyway. No one can, at least of what I've been told, the guards don't give us any ink or parchment to write so we can't.

At least today I was woken up a more humane way, I wasn't jumped on and I wasn't shouted on; at 6 o'clock in the morning. I surprisingly got a lie in.

I had been lying silently for about twenty-five minutes before I decided it was too quiet and got up. I silently pushed myself out, off the floor mattress and look over to the Lestrange's who were still silently sleeping on their lumpy floor mattresses. I shrug my shoulders and go to lie down on my thin mattress only to be met face to face with elegant, scrawly writing.

A letter!

He would recognise that handwriting anywhere... Snape


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