Chapter 35 - (Crashing) The Yule Ball: Part 2

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25th of December, 1995 - 19:00
When we got the the great hall we were shown the reserved guest seats. I could tell that Tom was looking forward to gloating at Dumbledore. Dumbledore had blocked me and Tom from the castle but since I am heir of Gryffindor and Ravenclaw and Tom is heir of Slytherin we can easily bypass the wards and change them. The only people there so far were the guests and the schools students. Soon some of the teachers started arriving, Tom also eyed McGonagall as she seen him. They had went to school together so it would basically be impossible for her not to notice. Tom nodded in greeting to her and she eyed him warily, I took my place by distracting him, sneaking a glance ove to the Transfiguration professor I could see her lips upturned into a half smile. Just then Dumbledore walked in and the Ball started, after ordering and eating the food Tom decided it would be a good idea to go over to Dumbledore and greet him properly not forgetting to gloat in his face.

Dumbledore I noticed was talking to the Gryffindor head so I walked over beside him merrily. Looking over my shoulder I see Lucius trying hard not to laugh out loud but his face said it all. Turning back and looking ahead I focussed on the battle in front of me.

Tom - "Hello Headmaster, McGonagall.

Dumbledore turned to face us, his expression turned sour as he seen who it was.

Dumbledore - "Riddle, What are you doing here?"
Tom - "Lucius invited us as his spare invitation, I thought it rude to decline."
Dumbledore - "I see, Who is this young man?"

Tom snaked a protective arm round my waist and I really didn't mind.

Tom - "This is my husband; Hadrian Riddle."
Harry - "Pleasure."
McGonagall - "Hadrian, I am Minerva McGonagall, I teach Transfiguration at Hogwarts. I just wanted to ask heat year you came here?"
Harry - "Nice to meet you, Minerva. I actually didn't got to hogwarts, I went to Ilvermorny and was sorted into Wumpus."

While I was talking away to McGonagall, Tom was taking the piss out of Dumbledore. I was trying so hard not to laugh.


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