Chapter 61 - The Battle

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31st of October, 1997 - 15:30

⚠️Swearing used in speech⚠️

Loud pops and cracks of apparation sound through the still darkening sky. We are then standing outside Hogwarts grounds.

The dark lord and me stood at the front of the crowd behind us, we had apparated ti the opposite side of the bridge where the ward boundaries where.

To the left, the warding group started tackling the wards but with them being so ancient it was easy to see that they were struggling, Along with the magical barrier. Tom took out his wand and sent a large violet spell at the transparent blue-tainted shield. The shield wavered and thin lines started showing in the magic that protected the age-old castle. I also reached out my arm, wand in hand and sent out a violent deep red spell that looked awfully like the cruciatus curse. It made the spelled barrier shake intensely, no longer that a couple minutes later the barrier fell and we could cross the rickety wooden bridge.

I looked in front of me and seen Neville. I was standing there speechless, he mouth was agape slightly and it remained an agitated quietness. The first wave waited for Voldemort's approval to rush or if you could, apparate into battle.

The tension-filled silence lasted only a moment longer before the Dark Lord gave the nod of confirmation and the first wave charges forward. I could feel the disapproval as the first wave ran across the bridge. Only some including the group leaders were smart enough to use their magic to teleport themselves to battle.

By this time Neville had started running to the other side of the bridge sending spells carelessly behind him in hopes of hitting one of the enemy. One of the spells that were sent hit the supports of the bridge and it collapsed into the gorge below but not without taking four death eaters with it.

The relief outplayed the anger the dark lord was feeling. One because no more idiotic death eaters could risk their lives trying to cross a damaged bridge or jump off it in cowardice. That then allowed more people to fight.

The Assassination group immediately apparated to the Slytherin common room once the others reached the court yard. When had all arrived a moment later and met Draco, our group of six made our way up to the astrometry tower where we knew Dumbassdore would be.

Once we arrived we stood below the tower, Snape and myself were sent up Snape seeming to have caught me. As one of the leaders of the dark side this would be an incredible chance to pass up.

I 'struggled' against Snape's metal grip as he led me up to go top of the Astronomy tower.

Dumbledore - "Well well, Severus, what brings you up here so late."
Snape - "As I was doing my rounds of the common rooms I found this one sneaking around the Gryffindor common room."
Harry - "They will come for me, Dumbledore and your 'order' will be too late to save you!"
Dumbledore - "Give the poor boy to me, Severus."

Snape thrusted me over into Dumbledore's iron grip and he held onto my throat. I could feel my throat constricting as I tried to keep breathing. This wasn't part of the plan!

I let out a couple gasps as I tried to form words, and I heard footsteps stepping up the stone stairs of the tower. Bellatrix stood there with Draco and she glowered at Dumbassdore,

Bellatrix - "Let go of my son, Dumbledore!"
Dumbledore - "Bellatrix. He is not your son, his parents are Lily and James Potter."

I spluttered a bit more and she looked at me, seeing the real panic in my eyes raised her wand at the esteemed Headmaster.

Dumbledore - "Now now Bellatrix, let's not get angry quickly. I could very easily pitch 'your son' off the astronomy tower."

Bellatrix's eyes widened at the threat but she held her wand in the same place.

Just then I felt Dumbledore's grip loosen enough and I could force myself out of his grip. I stood rubbing my throat, trying to get as much air in my lungs as possible.

I turned just in time to see Tom hovering over the soon-to-be-dead headmaster and his transfiguration teacher.

Tom - "I'll see you in hell, you old manipulative bastard."

With that the old coot lunged off the tower after being shot down with the killing curse.

'This is a good day!'

I made my way to the edge of the tower with Tom and looked out at the battle around me.

Tom - "Sornous." "The battle is over. Albus Dumbledore is dead. Your 'saviour', Harry Potter is dead and in place stands Hadrian Riddle. Now you put your faith in me."

Through the speech we all apparated into the courtyard where the main battle was taking place.

Ginny Weasley opened her mouth and screamed out something, but it was met with a killing curse to the chest.

Laughs and cackles were heard all around while others mourned the death and pain the battle brought.


A/N - The Epologue will be up tomorrow sometime and the story will be completed. I plan on taking a short break before publishing another fanfic.

Number 1:

Title: Playing dress up
Ship: Tomarry
Description: In 2nd year Tom Riddle and Harry Potter met through the T.M.R's diary-A horcrux. Showing Harry memories from his future self's memory he found out what happened that fateful night in Godrics Hollow.

Tom Riddle later makes his grand return in Harry's 4th year... only to find out the truth about one Harry James Potter.

Let's just say Dumbledore's days are numbered...

Number 2

Title: Rivals to Runaways
Ship: Drarry
Description: Harry Potter has grown up ignorant to people that are all fake. Dumbledore, Ron, Hermione and Ginny using him for fame. One day he finds out. What will happen to our golden boy?

Draco Malfoy on the other hand grew up without his parents love and friends that are paid to stay with him. Draco is taken to get his dark mark. What will Draco do?

I could also do both but updates would be slower. The Tomarry one would be updated once a week and the Drarry one twice/Three Times a week.

If I was to write both at the same time you would get one update on both fanfic a week. 

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(Voting will be open until the 28th of December and I will announce the fanfic winner in the epilogue.)

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