Chapter 57 - Lets take a break

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26th of February, 1997 - 10:00

Harry - "So we have finished the last raid for seven months, what do you want to do now?"
Tom - "Well we have time, we could take a break..."

I watched as Tom pondered the thought over his breakfast, while I continued eating he still pondered. After about five minutes I decided to pull him out of his entrancing thoughts.

Harry - "Tom... Tom, TOM!!!!"

I shook the older wizard out of his trance,

Tom - "What was that for, Harry?"
Harry - "I shouted you name and you wouldn't answer."
Tom - "Oh... I decided on what we should do."
Harry - "Do tell."
Tom - "I'm disbanding the death eaters for a couple months."
Harry - "Didn't expect that..."
Tom - "Neither did I."


Dumbledore was sitting at his dark, carved wooden desk in his office. Which had ticking trinkets and angelic looking ornaments. The painted pictures in the background were talking amongst themselves, not really bothering with the current headmaster's deranged and lunatic thoughts.

The old man was pondering the latest death eater attack. They had made sure that the whole of magical Britain knew he was back, not some rogue followers.

He had also seen 'Hadrian Lestrange' in action and knew Tom has a thing for him. It was interesting... Tom was born from a love potion. He can't love. It's impossible.

If there was only a way to get rid off him...

And then he struck up a thought... it was risky no doubting that, but it could work.

It just might work. Only just.


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