Chapter 12 - day 731

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Well you know the way I like a lie in... yeah I didn't get one this morning. In fact I was woken up at five am. Why you may ask?

Because the Dark Lord has returned.


I was awoken by the sound of a maniac laughing, I look over at the Rabastian who had also just woke up, Rodolphus was holding said person laughing like a maniac in one place so they wouldn't fall. Said person laughing like a lunatic was indeed, Auntie Bella. I looked over at Rabastian and we both silently agrees to get up to see what had gotten the female of the group so worked up.

Myself and Rabastian, Traveled cautiously over to the married couple. We both stood there as Bellatrix continued to laugh hysterically and Rodolphus had a huge toothy grin plastered over his face. We both stood there looking what I would guess as being puzzled until auntie Bella turned and seen us. She started laughing again and when I gave her an irritated look she rolled her eyes and did something I don't believe would have shocked me otherwise...

"Our lord has returned".

Before I knew it we were all grinning madly and cackling.

Rodolphus - "The dark lord has risen"
Rabastian - "He will come for us"
Bellatrix - "We will be rewarded as we alone tried to find him"
Harry - "The light will fall as they have wronged us"


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