Chapter 8 - day 365

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(I know it's a big time skip and I really don't care 😁)

Rabastian - "Happy one year, Harry!"

That's what I woke up to this morning. I've been here for a year today and Rabastian is... celebrating as it has been a year since he had someone other than his brother and sister-in-law to talk to.

Harry - I'm up, I'm up. alright!

I tiredly rub my eyes groaning as I pick myself up out of the thin foam mattress and uncomfortably itchy, thin blanket. My back cracks in protest of getting up but I get up anyways.

(Legit my back right now, I can barely walk)

Rodolphus had to drag Rabastian off me so I could get up. Bellatrix helped me up as I ignored the stiffness of my muscles, Rabastian was still held against the wall by his older brother. Who was allowing my fate to be saved.

Rabastian turned out to be pretty obsessed with me, not in a lovey dovey way but in a friendly manner? Does that even make sense?
But honestly I enjoy it, I think being starved of affection in my childhood as really affected how much I need now that I'm getting older.

Bellatrix and Rodolphus acted like my aunt and uncle while Rabastian an older Brother. Bellatrix or auntie Bella as she prefers dotes on me as much as she can while we're in this hellhole. Rodolphus or uncle Rodo as yet again Auntie Bella prefers, I go to for advice, I mean it's better than the other two's advice. Rodo is probably the father figure I've never had, except he would let me do it whatever the heck I'd want to.

Anyways I've been here for one year today, so it is according to my 'brother' a special day in history.

'Youngest felony of the century has spent one year in Azkaban.'

I roll my eyes just thinking of the ridiculous names that he can come up with. Do people in the outside world even though I'm here?? Has anyone even questioned anyone?? Morgana knows...



Hiya my guys, gals and non binary pals
For starters I home you are having a good week day/night. I would also like to thank everyone for your support. I've only had this story up for three days and I already nearly 300 views, over 30 stars and some comments as well. I really didn't expect this story to hit it off so well. I can't thank everyone enough.

May me talk again soon.

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