Chapter 29 - The Alley Raid

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31st of October, 1995 - 17:00

I walked in on the dark lord's left side, Bellatrix was on our lord's right, the lestrange brothers behind us, we as the leaders of the raid needed to go through the plans once again. Making sure that they were spotless, we wanted nothing to go wrong, Bellatrix was to take Greyback and they were to go after Ollivander while I took Lucius and Barty and got the Weasley twins. Rodolphus and Rabastian were to lead the other death eaters, kill and trash the place. This was a grab and go mission, let the public that are ignorant to the dark lord's rise.

We stood in the entrance hall waiting for the other death eaters to arrive, the raid was to start at 17:30 and the death eaters would be arriving in a little less than five minutes. If this all went perfectly then we would be able to strike fear into the hearts of the public, that's all that we need to do today.

The death eaters had arrived and it was now about ten past five. The dark lord got the groups organised and we got ready to move out, the public would live in ignorance no more.

We apparated into Diagon alley and as soon as the shoppers seen us they started screaming and ran to take cover from the red and green flashing lights. Lucius, Barty and myself broke off from the crowd of death eaters and entered Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. The twins who didn't hear the commotion outside where in their workshop, this made it a lot easier to slip the bags over their heads and drag them out onto the streets to apparate them out of the alley. Once they were locked away in the dungeons after having their valuables removed, I apparated back to the alley to help the other death eaters, I got there just before the order of the KFC arrived. Now the party was getting started, I threw a crucio to the nearest chicken who happened to be someone called Remus Lupin; a werewolf to be exact. He managed to dodge all the spell I casted towards him. That was until he became too tired and I hit him with a cutting curse. I noticed some of the death eaters were getting tired so i called a retreat, we got what we came for and that is enough.


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