Chapter 36 - Plots

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17th of January, 1996 - 11:00

I sat in Tom's study waiting for him to stop pacing. It was becoming a normality for the older man to pace, he was getting closer to wanting to storm Hogwarts to murder Dumbledore. Why was he wanting to murder Dumb-as-a-dore this time? The old coot had managed to pass a number of new restriction on werewolves and vampires, and that was just the start. After consulting Snape he found out that the old coot was indeed plotting and had voiced his concerns that 'Kingsley' wasn't Kingsley, now they had to get rid of more evidence. Yay!

Harry  - "Tom calm down a second."
Tom - "Calm down, Harry? We now have to get rid of Shacklebolt because Dumbledore caught on and you want me to calm down?!"

Yup Tom was pissed.

Harry - "Fine, I'll leave you to your thoughts!"

I stormed out of Tom's study, he was at his ends wits and I knew this but he needed to calm down and come to his senses plus he had kinda annoyed me too. I walked out of the entrance hall and walked into the forest, I was too annoyed to see straight and wanted some target practice using the muggle knives that Auntie Bella had bought me for Yule. While I was throwing knives I heard the sound of snow crunching, I stopped a knife raised above my head. Of course I was in my DE robes but that didn't stop whoever was now watching me. Everyone of the DE lower and inner circle knew I was just as deadly with precision as Bellatrix was, just as well that I was trained under her. Turning I threw a knife, it only hit a tree. I stared puzzled at the tree, I could have sworn someone was behind me.

Thats when I felt a hand grab my wrist, no matter how much I ate or took nutrient potions I would always have brittle bones. Turning I slammed my knee against their parts, making the person gasp and loosen their hand on my wrist. Then I felt a hand punch me in between my eyes, blinding me, it knocked me to the ground and I could feel the blood gushing down my face. Hearing their footsteps I threw a knife which impaled the man's stomach. I sent a stunning spell to the man I kneed earlier who fell to the ground.

Standing up I wiped the still gushing blood on my robe sleeve. This would be fun.


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