Chapter 4 - day 5

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The next time I woke up I found out that I had slept for a whole day. The pain of the wound must have made me pass out, I found out that the had sent stunners at the Lestrange's so they couldn't do anything. I had yet to check my scar to see my sentence, I don't want to but I will have to soon. It must be bad because I get pitiful looks from all the Lestrange's.

"Yeah, Rabastian?"
"Do you want to know your sentence?"

At this I suck a breath in, I am curious don't get me wrong but 'do I really want to know how long I have to spend here?' Suck it up I'll just deal with it.

"Sure, what is it."

Rabastian steps forward and tilts my head to the side, I wince at the stretch along where the burned in engraving is; it gives off a dull aching pain.

"You have a... life time sentence."
"Well I guess I'll be here for the rest of my life then. How long are you here for now?"
"We also have life sentences here."
"Oh well I guess I'm stuck here then."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean... I thought Dumbledore might get me out."
"Dumbledore! He wouldn't even try!"
"Yea I can see that now."

The next thing I knew the other Lestrange's joined in the conversation.

Rodolphus - "Will you be joining the dark lord?"
Harry - "Sorry?"
Bellatrix - "The dark Lord will you be joining him when he breaks us out."
Harry - "Well... I."
Rabastian - "Come off it guys he will decide soon after he sees the order of the Kentucky Fried Chicken aren't coming for him."
Harry - "Wait... who are the order of the Kentucky Fried Chicken."

Before I knew what was going on the three Lestrange's burst out in hysterical laughter. I am extremely confused.

Harry - "Why are you laughing?"
Rabastian - "You just called them the Order of the Kentucky Fried Chicken."
Harry - "Okay... and now I'm generally confused."
Rodolphus - "The order of the Kentucky Fried Chicken' are actually called  'The Order of the Phoenix."
Bellatrix- "The Order of the Kentucky Fried Chicken is just the darks nickname for Dumbledore's group of misfits."
Harry - "The order of the... wait I'm sooooo confused."
Rabastian - "Don't worry we will explain it all to you."


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