Chapter 18 - day 913

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Again it's the 16th February
(Do you want me to keep doing this or does it matter to you?)


Yet again I was dragged down to the visiting room, although this time it was with no warning. The Lestrange's had went a little over the top like the first time I had chains fixed onto me wrists. Bellatrix looked like she wanted to maul the guard that came in and 'kidnapped' me as she called. The other two were not happy campers either, but they got over it the first time. This time a couple extra guards came and stunned them refusing to allow them to fight. The guard was again Higgins and he as always, cruelly manhandled me. I left the 'cell' limping and with a bunch of new gashes across my face, not that I really cared anymore. I was walked down to the 'warm' room as I knew it only instead of seeing one figure there, there was three of them. Two of which I recognised; Snape and Lord Malfoy. The other however was completely blank to his memory.

Again I was shackled to the seat a grin still on my face, it felt good to be here.

Harry - "Snape, Lord Malfoy...

Lucius - "This is Riddle, Tom Riddle."

Harry - "Oh, How are you doing, My Lord?"

Tom - "I'm doing very well thank you."

The casual conversation lasted quite a long time only before he was leaving was he told the plans for April. Much to his amusement the dark lord had even marked him. All in all the he had been quite happy with the life, his lord had asked him to pass the information onto the the small family.

It was safe to say auntie bella was in shock when he came back with the mark on his arm.

This was the start to a new beginning... definitely.


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