Chapter 11 - day 728 (part 2)

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Rabastian's PoV:

When I woke up an hour later I seen Harry staring at something, it was odd to say the least. There isn't much to do look at here... maybe he's lost it, like Bella?? It was a bit alarming but I shrugged it off, still slightly concerned for my 'little brother's' well-being decided to walk over to him.

As I got closer to Harry I noticed something... parchment-ish looking?? I chose to sit himself down beside the blank faced boy, He had been here two years today and had changed so much, his raven hair now reached his shoulder blades, a layer of dirt caked his face making is dull emerald eyes stand out; although they looked bloodshot now. My damned curiosity had gotten the best of me and I looked down at the folded parchment,the boy's name addressed in a elegant, yet distinct handwriting that stood out to even him. Snape... why would he of all people write to Harry?


Now that you mention it Harry had said about how much Severus seemed to hate him. It was well known within the dark that he had liked the ginger-headed Gryffindor that was Harry's mother... Snape was sure to hate the spawn of his mortal enemy; James Potter. I mean James had alway beat him up, and he took Lily away from the man.

But the letter, Harry had never gotten a letter since he had been here. It must've sent him into shock, well if it were my bully of a potions Professor and it was the first contact I had with the outside world in two years, it really would have put me off. Seeing Harry was lost in his thoughts that his unfocused eyes conveyed every emotion flying though them; he picked up the letter. Seeing it had already been opened, he removed the parchment from the envelope and began to read it.

Dear Mr Potter,

It has come to my attention on your location as well as Lord Malfoy who I had conveniently asked to search through your records. It is unclear on why you have been placed in Azkaban without a trial, however that is not the point of this letter. If you would, will you meet myself and Lord Malfoy in one of the visitor rooms? I will have one of the Azkaban aurors bring you once I have gotten clearance.
I'll be expecting you,


Lord to the Ancient and Noble house of Prince

Well that was not expected...


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