Chapter 1 - day 1

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Did you know one day feels like a year in this hell-hole? The only reason I know this is because of Rabastian. I suppose he is okay, I mean he has been kinda... nice? He hasn't asked me why I'm here yet and I don't want to ask him why first. So I guess I'll wait. Anyways, the dementors are still floating around us, I feel so cold, so empty it's...normal according to Rabastian, anytime one comes near me I hear the screams of my mum. But as they get closer I hear my Uncle Vernon. I would hate to think what he would have done if he got his pudgy hands on me. I feel a shiver run up my spine as I curl in on myself sensing the dark presence of the dementor coming closer. As soon as I feel it's cold spirit leave me I look around at Rabastian. He was asleep apparently, so I started thinking deeper on this; where was Dumbledore? When is he coming to get me out? Is he even going to? Who knows at this point.

Just then I felt a pair of arms rap around me I look up to see someone who looked like Rabastian but didn't act like him. This man stayed silent were as he would have talked to him. This must have been Rodolphus! It was kinda comforting, I breathed in a sigh choking on my breath letting out a pitiful sob. I didn't even realise I was crying. "I just want.. lea..eave" I coughed out shakily. "Shhhh it's okay shhh" I heard coming from the mans mouth. I try to muffle my sobbing by putting my hands over my mouth. "Let it out, shhh" at this I let out all the tears and sorrow I had been keeping back for all these years. It felt so good to finally have a release. The warmth of the grown man was amazing, I felt warm for the first time this summer. I snuggled into Rodolphus' shoulder wanted to keep all the warmth.

After a hour or two I stopped crying and fell into the first peaceful sleep that summer.


Shoved in a cell - TomarryWhere stories live. Discover now