46. Silver & Brown

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"Your eyes."

Taehyung held his gaze against the most beautiful pair of orbs which he has ever seen. There is something so alluring and magical with the look of Jungkook's doe eyes on him.

Jungkook was quick to notice the stunned expression in Tae's face and he knows his inner wolf is extremely aroused right now as he started showing his intimate side for his human mate. Jungkook is slowly losing his control, which never happened before.

"Um." He closed his eyes shut and tried to gather a more conscious mind.

"Can I see it again?" A deep voice pleaded in a soft tone.

"I-...sorry it's the bloody dust again." Jungkook delayed the request by rubbing his eyes profusely. "You were saying?" He spoke again when he noticed his wolf is more contained right now compared to a minute ago.

He opened his eyes to meet a pair of curious puppy eyes but soon the hazel gaze dropped into a deep frustration when Taehyung started to furrow his brows in disappointment.

"This is not what I saw!"

"What do you mean?" Jungkook was acting simply dumb.

"Kook, I swear I saw your eyes looked silver. Now it looks dark brown. I wanna see it again."

"Taehyung, don't be ridiculous, it's probably the reflection from the light shining in. See, there is a window at the back of you." Jungkook pointed at the floor to ceiling sheer glass which was dressed with milky drapes but somehow looks a little see-through. Perhaps just enough light for the evening sun to shine through.

The brown head narrowed his eyes at the true alpha clearly not buying his illogical explanation.

"Whatever. I saw what I saw."

Tae was quick to cross his arms over his chest and flop back down in the sofa bed, ignoring the raven head who was still sitting with a nervous look tucked beneath his fake calmness.

Phew. That was close.

Jungkook blew off a sigh as he turned his head over his shoulder to see the annoyed expression on Taehyung. The raven head could not understand the playful pout on his face which makes Tae look like a child which was opposite against the act he just pulled on him.

"Are you seriously gonna be offended coz my eyes were not silver like you hoped for?" The true alpha chuckled as he laid on his tummy, elbow supporting his muscular body while he watches Taehyung continue his little dramatic act.


Jungkook threw his head back in laughter feeling entertained with his mate's little antics.

"Seriously Taehyung? You look like a baby right now. So different on how you were minutes ago."

"So you prefer me being a daddy than a baby?"


"Answer me Jeon."


Jungkook wanted to escape another round of embarrassment as he saw the pouty look on Taehyung got replaced with another one of his new devilish grin.

"Ah, not too fast!" Taehyung yanked back Jungkook's forearm right before he was about to help himself up resulting the raven head to stumble on his unsteady knees falling ahead on top of the human.

"Do you want to talk about what happened?" Taehyung asked when he noticed Jungkook was still in a shocked expression from the time he fell on top of him.

"What do you want to talk about?" Jungkook gulped, he is not used to Taehyung's dominant side.

"About us." Tae kissed the head alpha's nose making him scrunch it playfully. "About this." Taehyung leaned and pecked his lips again making the alpha grin like an absolute bunny. "You're so adorable Kooks, why didn't I notice this since the beginning?"

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