7. Rude

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Taehyung was beyond grateful for Jimin as he notices the blond head was going all out in accommodating him into this new foreign place.

"Are you part of the welcoming committee too?" Tae asked curiously as Jimin was lining up with him at the cafeteria for their lunch.


The brown head furrowed his brows and wondered why did he offer to assist if this is not part of his duty.

"I just help around. Besides, it's been a while since we have someone like you on the campus, it's refreshing!"

"Someone like me?" Tae pointed at himself. As much as he likes to be friends with Jimin, he also feels like the blond talks in riddles he can't decipher.

"I mean someone new like you, out of town and all...you know? Um bagel?" Jimin snatched a bag of bagel over the counter and waved it as Taehyung, trying to hide his tongue slips again.

"Sure, although I like burgers better." Tae took a stack of freshly prepared burger and a can of coke as he ready to check them out at the counter.

"The treat is mine!" Jimin quickly took out his cash and asked the lunch lady to ring them both in a single bill.

Taehyung smiled warmly, thanked his friend and followed Jimin who was hopping around the places, trying to locate his group of friends.

"Um, do you mind sitting with us?"

"Sure...I mean I know no one here. I guess it's alright?" Tae said, appreciating Jimin's action in asking for his concern.

Jimin nodded and guided the brown head to a far left corner of the cafeteria where the biggest size table was located. It was also especially holding 5 chairs, coloured in metallic silver. Taehyung could see every other student were passing by the mentioned table but no one was taking their seats there.

Strange, it seems like everyone else rather cramp themselves into tiny tables and chairs surrounding this silver table, but choose not to occupy it.

As they were approaching the table from afar, Tae could see 3 figures were walking to the same table and one of them excitedly waved at Jimin who started laughing and practically took off running.


Tae heard Jimin called out the male who was waving at him excitedly. Must be one of his closest friends, Tae thought to himself and put on a more welcoming face, ready to greet his potential new friends.

"Jiminie looks excited today, what's up?"

Taehyung watched the black hair guy with his hair swiped back said something to Jimin. This is the person who Jimin called Hobi.

"Nothing special, I got a new human friend." Jimin said and quickly bite onto his lower lip, turning to check if Tae heard him.

Thankfully Tae was busy checking out his burger a few feet away, he wasn't paying much attention.

"Careful." Seokjin replied, eyes turning back to look at the brown head.

"Isn't he Jungkook's responsibility?" Namjoon asked while taking a piece of fries to nibble.

"He is, but he left our Jungkook and even called him an auto-tuned machine." Jimin chuckled, dying to fill in his friends about what Tae said.

"Tae? Over here." He followed up by calling Taehyung closer to join them on the table.

Taehyung gingerly walked over, excited to make some friends but nervous at the same time, not knowing how will they embrace him to Shadow College. To be honest, they all looked pretty polish and elite, in comparison to Tae's very normal looking self.

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