5. "Nice" To Meet You

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"Why are we going to college super early today?"

Jimin whined as he unbuckled his seatbelt once Jungkook pulled up at the rather empty looking parking lot. Time was 7:30 on the clock and the smaller beta was not having it.

"Dad told me someone new is enrolling, I need to get some documents ready to welcome him." The raven head explained while he turned off the engine and got down from the car.

"New admission? Another wolf?" Jimin asked, suddenly not whining about their early schedule anymore.

"I don't think so. It's a human."

"Human? For real? But I thought Alpha Jeon has declined the treaty to grant any human admission to Shadow College."

Jimin doesn't follow through the pack matters but he does pay attention to the affairs as serious as this one. Having humans in their college may not be the best way to go after a couple of incidents that happened during the dark days of his infant times.

"I know, I was equally baffled but I heard Hyung said dad is very fond of these humans. Must be someone he knew before the dark days."

Jimin nodded, following Jungkook's footsteps as they reached the admission office where Madam Lee stood there preparing the necessary documents for Jungkook as per Alpha Jeon's orders.

"Hello Madam Lee, good morning." Jungkook being the obedient student and younger, greeted the elder lady with a smile on his face, followed by Jimin.

"Hello boys, very good morning indeed. Now, let me retrieve more papers and some schedules, hold up."

She went into her office room while Jungkook and Jimin waited around the counter, chit-chatting aimlessly, waiting for her to return. After a few minutes, Madam Lee returned with some papers and a file in her hand, passing them to Jungkook.

"So, I think the new student will be here about 8:15 as we have advised him to-..."

Her words were cut short when the admission office door sprung open, with a soft melodic greeting.

"Hello, good morning, um is this the admission office?"

Jungkook was attentively listening to the elder lady when his head was caught turning in a swift motion, towards the door, greeted by the owner of the voice.

The raven head's heart skipped a beat when his eyes landed on a male, soft brown hair, almost in a shade of dark dirty blond, standing there in a casual oversized black tee, front of his shirt tugged into his pants neatly hugging his hips with a belt.

The said male was blinking his eyes, turning his head from the left to right, before finally landing his gaze on Jungkook who was gawking at him like an eagle on its prey.

"Oh, Kim Taehyung?"

"Yea." Tae answered the elder woman as she came upfront from the counter where she was speaking to Jungkook and Jimin, to welcome the newbie.

"Welcome to Shadow College. Wasn't expecting you here so early." She happily welcomed the new boy as he fidgeted on his sling bag, watching the lady.

"Yea, I was just worried I might be late or worse case get lost so my brother asked me to reach the campus earlier than the said time."

So polite and goody two shoes. Jungkook thought to himself with a smirk, finding the newbie he was supposed to govern to be pretty amusing and submissive.

"That's totally fine Taehyung, come on in then, I was just preparing your documents for Jungkook right here." Madam Lee ushered Tae in while signalling at the raven head who was leaning onto the counter, looking pretty arrogant with his expressionless face.

In fact, Jungkook is not an arrogant or ignorant person at all. He just has this naturally bad boy looking face when he is not conversing with his brother or close friends, making people assume he is the big bad wolf with a playboy facade.

If you get to know him in person, he can be as soft as a marshmallow and the humblest boy out there. After all, Jungkook is the future alpha of Shadow Pack, so he can't be walking around looking like a small little bean with the responsibility of a pack on his shoulders.

He is not a man that chases after popularity or perfect image at all. Jungkook is sincere in the things he does and what matters to him the most is his friends and families. So, at times when people mistook him as someone bashful or a fucked up alpha, he couldn't be bothered.

"Hello, Taehyung!"

Jungkook's mental image scanning on Tae was shattered abruptly by the high pitched voice beside him.

"Um Hi." Tae answered, simply being curious about both the boys at the counter whom he had no ideas about.

"I'm Jimin. Park Jimin, I'm a beta." Jimin extended his hands, cheerfully introducing himself.

"Kim Taehyung. I'm just um Taehyung?" Tae raised his right brow in confusion with the introduction by Jimin. He had no clue why the blond was saying he is a beta. What is he? Like a beta in quantum physics?

"Hi, I'm Jungkook."

The raven head dived in when he notices Jimin forgot about the rule to not identify their wolf ranking to strangers, especially to humans. In this world, as much as human and wolves co-exist, not many of the humankind knows of their existence to even begin with.

When Jimin notice his silly mistake after Jungkook shook his hand with Tae, he bit his lower lips and squeezed his eyes shut, instantly regretting his carelessness.

"Right..ha ha, I was just being funny just now. I um, I love physics, I love the you know, um beta energy, quantum physics are so fascinating, so yea, welcome to Shadow College Taehyung."

Jimin tried his best to cover up but low-key just making Tae even more amused, creating a huge eruption of laughter as the brown head giggled watching Jimin's funny state.

"You're so funny." Tae said, easing into the introduction, thinking about the possibility of Shadow College might not be as stuck up and elite as it sounds by the grapevine.

"I guess you boys won't need me to moderate your introductions then. I'll leave it to Jungkook to carry forward. Here you go, and welcome again Taehyung to Shadow College."

Madam Lee passed the stack of papers to Jungkook and wished Tae luck before disappearing to her own cabin, leaving the future alpha to lead the way.

"I guess we will just look through this together?" Jungkook scanned the papers and noticed that they all belong to Tae's class and some welcome notes.

Taehyung nodded, assuming that Jungkook might be the welcome committee or something since he was there to usher him.

"Cool, I will look for the rest then. Meet us for lunch Kookie, bye bye." Jimin sneaked his way out as soon as he could, trying to ease away from his mistakes earlier.

Jungkook wanted Jimin to stay with him, to be honest, he is not very good with building rapport or welcoming people, the beta does it better than him. But looking at how Jimin ran away, Jungkook could assume that the blond was being taken back by his mistake earlier.

"I guess that just leaves me and you."

He exhaled, looking up from the paper to only be attacked by Taehyung's hazel orbs on him, making him feel all sorts of a stir in his heart.

"This way." Jungkook said, clearing his throat, walking ahead of Taehyung, who followed him like a lost puppy.

For some reason, Jungkook felt a wave of heat washing down his body, each time he feels Tae's eyes on him, making him super uncomfortable.

The very first human to make Jungkook feel intimidated, and the future Alpha is not liking it at all. It hurts his pride and self-confidence.

Jungkook is not a bad person.
He just doesn't socialise much nor is he good with changes despite being the future Alpha.
Mayhaps, he just needs to be taught on how to be more expressive.

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