78. Love Me As You Do

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"Are they back yet?"

"Calm down."

1 MINUTE later.

"Are they back yet?"

"Yoongi, calm the fuck down."

"Do you think they eloped?"

"I swear to God, I will cut off your dick if you complain about when are they coming back one more time!" Jin yelled as he was holding up his spatula.

It was as early as 8 in the morning when Yoongi came tumbling down the stairs to find the house was still empty of Taehyung and Jungkook. He managed to find the older of them all - Jin at the kitchen swinging from left to right preparing breakfast.

Since then, he has been pestering the older every minute about his brother's whereabouts.

"I need to ensure your brother didn't hurt mine. That's all."

"Yoongi, for the sake of humanity sweetheart your brother is not a child. He is a grown-ass man who can make his own decision if he chooses to be hurt or not."

The shorter male rolled his eyes as he nibbles disinterestedly at an apple while his eyes glued to the front and back entrance doors of the house. Yoongi is the only one who is clueless about where did the mates run off to last night.

Jin was finishing off his scrambled egg as he watched Yoongi's uneasiness.

"You know Yoongi...you need to start to give some benefits of the doubt to Jungkook. You make him look so selfish and bad at times I have no idea what is your beef against that poor boy. I get it that you're protective over Tae but by belittling Jungkook, you're not achieving anything."

Yoongi narrowed his eyes at the older. He certainly doesn't believe he is belittling the raven head male.

'I never-..."

"Stop defending your actions Yoongs. I adore how you protect and have suffered to raise Taehyungie, but sometimes, it's ok to let go and allow the course of nature to take place. They are two mates destined by the Goddess, they can never be separated."

Yoongi rolled his tongue over his lower lips, he scoffed lightly unable to deny the truth in the older's word.

"I didn't mean to be disrespectful towards you Yoongi, after all, you're a part of the family now. I just hope you can spare some kindness towards Jungkook and don't be too harsh on him. He is Tae's mate, after all, your brother can't live without him. Just like how you can't live without Jimin and Hoseok.

Yoongi knows that whatever Jin says is the truth. His older brother instincts were too strong to a point it was a little overprotective towards Taehyung. He was so scared of losing his only family which made him so anal about everything involving his brother.

"Thanks Jin."

"Anytime Yoongi. I'm an older brother too. Although not by blood I can understand the struggle of caring for younger siblings. And for you, if you need anything, hyungie is here ok?"

Jin blew Yoongi a kiss in the air as he served the freshly made breakfast platter for the shorter male. As he was plating the eggs for Yoongi, the kitchen french door was opened by a giggly Taehyung who was wrapped like a burrito in Jungkook's arm.

The raven head was whispering sweet words into the brown head's ears when he notices Taehyung's lovely giggles stopped hastily.


Jungkook looked to his side as he notices the nervousness in Tae's eyes reflected the image of his older brother.


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