29. Caught In Action

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It took a while and finally, Taehyung made his way safely to the Shadow Pack territory. In Tae's understanding, the place which Jungkook and his friends reside is considered as a villa where most of their houses are separated by a huge compound of forestry.

The brown head is clueless on the purpose of these spaces and why was there a lot of empty fields and houses looking similar to each other. He just thought that their families must be pretty rich to afford a place like this which he can never dream of.

Tae soon pulled up on the neighbourhood sign reading Shadow Villa and used his best memories to retrace the pathway to Jungkook's house. The compound surely looked a little different in the daylight than it did when he visited at the night time.

"Should I call him?"

Taehyung stepped down from his parked car and fiddled on his phone when he spotted no one in his near vicinity.

As the brown head was turning around trying to find someone, he came across a familiar silhouette in the far distance on the empty field.


Tae squinted his eyes as he walked closer and noticed that Hoseok was not alone. He spotted the male with another striking silver head who was standing in a position as if they were challenged to a duel.


Taehyung stopped and peered intently at the two males in front of him. Unconsciously, the brown head's breathing hitched in his lungs when he saw both the males charged towards each other with swords in their hands combatting like they are in a war.

"Holy Shit! Guys!!"

The brown head barged ahead as he was running for his life. He felt his muscles tensed and heart rate accelerating the closer he was running towards his friends.

"Guys stop it!"

Taehyung jumped over the bushes and whacked into the middle of the field stopping the sword clashing around him.

There he stood in the middle of the field with a stunned and shocked Hoseok with Jimin as the warriors panted for their breathes wide eye watching the familiar brown head amid their fights.


Jimin lowered his raised arm and threw the sword aside when he notices Taehyung was standing in the middle of the field, eyes closed shut with hands clasped on his chest. He looked like he was shitting in his pants after coming against a near dead experience.

"Taehyung, what are you doing here?"

This time it was Hoseok who lowered his weapons and threw it aside as he wiped the sweats boiling down his forehead and chest to his chiselled abs.

"Am I dead?"

Tae peeked one eye out and asked the question which kept running through his mind. He mindlessly jumped into the middle of the weapon fight and was not even aware of his safety. Taehyung just wanted to ensure the two males doesn't kill each other.

"No you're not but what are you doing here? It's a dangerous move Tae to jump into the middle of someone fighting like that."

Hoseok crossed his arms, eyes warning the brown head's hasty move.

"I saw you guys fighting and I wanted to make sure you guys don't kill each other."

Tae's concerned look turned into a big question mark when Jimin started to roll on the floor laughing holding his hips like he was about to pass out.

"Omg, you thought we were killing each other for real?" Jimin continued his laughter.

"Hey stop it!"

Taehyung tackled the silver head male on the ground and joined his friend erupting in laughter.

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