22. Enchanted

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"I'm sorry Tae. I didn't mean to."

Jungkook is not proud of how he has treated Taehyung. Be it his mate or not, he shouldn't have behaved so ignorantly to someone new coming into his territory. As the future head alpha, Jungkook should have known better.

He knew his old way of being ignorant and just to care for his immediate members won't work anymore. He is not even half as righteous as his father. How can he even lead a pack and be with a mate who is an ace healer?

"Hey Kooks? Are you ok? You need to stop zoning out on me. It does freak me out."

Taehyung noticed that Jungkook is spacing out again. Something that the younger has been doing awfully lot since the past week.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Just had too much to think."

"You need to speak out Kooks, I notice you barely speak to anyone. Are you not close with your friends?"

Jungkook adjusted his posture, he too now leaned over the railing, hunched back with his arms dangling freely.

"I am close to them. I trust them with my life."

Taehyung's ears perked as this. Trusting someone with their life is a huge statement.

"Jungkook, can I ask you something?"

The raven head looked to the side, caught off guard by the pair of hazel orbs staring down on him. Underneath the moonlight, Tae's orbs sparkled like a pot of gold. It would perfectly contrast with Jungkook's wolf eyes.

"Have you been in love?"

This was unexpected. Jungkook's heart tumbled. The love of his life, his mate is asking about love. How ironic can it be?


For some odd reason, Taehyung was expecting him to say no. He didn't know why but the one-word answer from Jungkook stung his heart. He batted his eyelids anxiously, unable to understand his frustration.

"Are you still in love?"

"Yes." Jungkook answered, without wavering his eyes from the brown head.

"I guess she must be one lucky girl then. You're a nice person Jungkook, nicer than I thought you were." Tae nervously chuckled. He was trying to buy some time to pacify his uneasy feeling which born out of Jungkook's affirmations.

"Yes, he is."

Taehyung's eye widened. Did Jungkook just mention it's a boy whom he is in love with? The brown head is now even more aggravated for some unknown reasons.

"It's a boy?"

"Do I look straight to you?" Jungkook's voice was a tone darker, deeper than he ever registered when he speaks with Taehyung.

The brown head gulped, finding the raven head's stare and voice suddenly intimidating from the corner of the space, making the vibe of their surrounding eerily chill.


"I have no sexuality preference Taehyung. Just between you and me, all the boys in my group have none either." Jungkook's brow quirked up, tongue rolling against his inner mouth cheeks.


Taehyung gulped down even more, suddenly feeling dry in his throat when he finds the playful demeanour on Jungkook is now slowly turning dark and seductive. He has to be imagining it right? Is he finding Jungkook seductive all of a sudden?

"Now tell me, how about you?" Jungkook threw the ball back to Tae's court. For one, Jungkook knew the answer to that but he just wanted to tease the older.

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