Chapter 27: Dahlia Rises

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I rested my arms on the balcony overlooking the inside of the compound. I could hear Niklaus with Hope and my heart melted. I'll make this right.

"Juliana..." I heard Mikael say behind me and I turn to face him.

"What do you want Mikael?"

"Like it or not, I am your father."

"I choose to believe my parents died."


"What do you want?"

"I'm sorry about Victoria, I never told you or apologized."

"Yeah well my child is dead. Your apology won't bring her back."

"I know-"

"I'm not interested in your meaningless apologizes," I tell him and turn around. I hear him sigh.

"So hard headed, just like me, I guess that's one thing we have in common," he jokes, "Look I'll admit I was angry and I was attacking an innocent child. Let me make it up to you."


"Simple, I'll let Niklaus live in peace."

"You're lying."

"Nope. I'll do it if you agree to give me a chance."

I sigh, "Fine."


"Don't screw this up," I tell him as I walk back inside and a commotion catches my attention.

Niklaus is grinning at Katarina who is secured tightly in Finns grip. I roll my eyes.

"You're stupid enough to come here," Niklaus says.

"I didn't come for you. I came for Juliana. I figured I'd help."

"Isn't that selfless of you."

"Touch her and you die," I remark coming down the stairs. "Finn let her go."

He releases her and walks over to me.

"Your family is very welcoming."

"I'm glad you came."

"Well I've always had your back and you've had mine," she replies, "Nothings changed."

Before i could reply I feel a sharp pain in my skull and Katharina collapses next to me. As I look up, I see a black haired woman with vicious blue eyes. She smiles and I automatically recognize her.

"Dahlia," i say and counter her spell so the piercing pain is gone.

"Hello Edith, long time no see sister," she tells my mother who looks pale.

"Dahlia..." She whimpers and Dahlia changes her gaze to me.

"Ah the witch vampire I've heard so much about. You don't seem that strong."

"Try me and you'll see."

She does a side grin and I feel a stabbing pain in my heart. I let out a scream and look down at my shirt. I see blood forming where the heart is and start to feel blood come out of my nose. Before I can counter it; mom does. Dahlia looks shocked.

"You dare challenge me?" She asks, appalled.

"If you threaten my family, yes," mom remarks and I see her fly and hit into a wall. I croutch down and run at her. She simply flicks me off like an annoying mosquito. Elijah is thrown through the balcony, Mikael slams through a stone wall and she grabs Niklaus' heart. I remove her hand and shoot Niklaus away before she can do any damage.

I pounce on her and it turns out to be a fail. I end up getting thrown off. Katarina shoots me a look and I know what she means. She runs towards me and I grab her arms. I spin her around three times before I throw her at Dahlia. She hits into Dahlia and Dahlia is dazed. Mom shoots pain through her skull, accompanied by me and Davina. Dahlia is strong though so she get powerful again and breaks our magic. I feel the shock from the break escalate through my arm. I shake it off and focus on her heart. She blocks me and pulls me closer. She smiles at me but then I smirk at her.

"What are you smirking for? You're going to die," she growls and I laugh.

"No Dahlia," I say, "you will."

I hear the howling and chuckle as the full moon comes out. Now this will be fun.



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