Chapter 8: The Job

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I smiled when I heard her voice behind me. I turned around and saw Katarina standing there and I smiled big.

"I owe you one," She says and I nod. She owes me big time.

"I'll talk to you later, I have to go hold up my part of the deal."

Katarina nods,"Okay I'll be here."

"Find your daughter but I need you to do something for me."

"Anything, I owe you."

"You do, I'll see you later," I tell her and she nods. I make my way to the Salvatore boarding house and just walk in. Bonnie takes one look at me and starts to scream and come closer. I could use some blood but Jeremy holds her back and Bonnie just cries in his arms. Stefan comes closer.

"We did what you asked for, now keep your promise."

"Stefan, I am related to Elijah, I always keep my word."

I come to Damon who is looking paler than ever and sweating hard.

"Poor baby," I say and bring my wrist to my fangs. I make a cut and bring it to him. Damon takes my wrist and begins to drink my blood. I smile and snatch it away when he's had enough. Then I move to Elena and give her some. They're both out but they'll be better in the morning.

"Congrats on saving your friends. I was scared for a moment that you wouldn't go through it and I'd have to."

"What?" Bonnie growls and I smirk.

"I mean the spell just made Katherine and the witch switch places. She came to the other side while whatever witch you screwed over went to the dark world. I could've done it and survived but where's the fun in that?"

"You made me kill an innocent person for nothing!"

"Not for nothing Bonnie, you saved your friends from the hex."

"What hex?"

"The one I placed on them. The vampire virus wouldn't have killed them but my hex would've. I needed some leverage."

"So you lied?"

"No I cured them of the hex and virus so all in all you got the better part of the deal."

"How could you be so evil?"

I laugh,"I am related to Niklaus but I'm ten times worse. Don't forget that ever. You may have dealt with Niklaus but I'm a whole other level of evil so ta ta, its been fun but I've had enough Mystic Falls for a lifetime. But before I go..."

I rush and kiss Damon quick but he kisses back. Then I smile, wave and get the hell out of dodge. I get into my blue mustang and start the journey back to New Orleans. Katarina joins me in the passenger seat.

"So nicely done."

"I did learn from you, have you found your daughter?" I ask and Katarina nods.

"I did."

"Good she can help you."

"Help me with what?"

"I have a theory that my mother might have resurrected my father and if she did I need to know. When I have proof I can kill him for good and then figure out the spell and bring you and Nadia back."

Katarina smiles,"I like it, some detective work."

"Yes ask around and find out. You up for it?"

"Are you kidding? After what you just did, I'll do it."

"Good, also if you see my brother Kol, tell him to come see me. I need to have a chat with him."

"Okay, anything important?"

"Family business."

Katarina smiles,"I'm on it, also you know Damon's gonna hate you?"

"I know but I don't care. Life's too short for worries."

"Okay I'll check back with you when I find something."

"Be careful, make sure my mom doesn't find out."

"I'll be extra careful."

I smile and then Katarina is gone. I sigh and close my eyes. If Mikael is back, then we need to fight back. This time together. 
So I haven't uploaded in a long time but here we go. What'd ya think? or hate? So do you think Mikaels back? Comment below. Please vote and I'd be soo happy. Thanks for reading

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