Chapter 1: Run

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I came home to see it abandoned. Niklaus shouldn't have left, he got restabbed by this witch dagger and he should be recovering. Unless...he's doing what I told him not to. He's probably off trying to kill Rebekah for bringing Mikael to town long ago. I told him not to do that.

I sigh and sink to the ground. I now have to do a locator spell to find where they are. Ugh why can't I have one day to relax and maybe lounge around the house.

There's a knock on my door and I groan as I stand up and make my way over. Sophies niece Monique is standing there with Davina. Marcel is behind them, head dropped and upset. What happened.

"Can I help you?" I ask and Marcel looks up.

"Klaus is off to kill Rebekah in the cemetery and I need you to help her."

Guess I won't need the locator spell.

"Is that it?"

"No," Davina whispers and looks at me.

"We have a message to you from Celeste," Monique replies. Ugh I hated that name. Celeste is this old witch that was Elijahs love but Niklaus had her killed. Now she's back and determined to ruin our family. Why isn't she dead yet?

"Go on."

"She gave us one word before she died and said you'd understand."

"Wait back up...Celeste is dead?"


"Yes, Elijah killed her."

"Ok, what's the message."

"Run," Davina says and looks at me,"Do you understand it?"

I think about it for a minute. Run? Run from what? And then my eyes go wide. This cannot be happening.

"Marcel get me to my siblings right now!" I shout and follow Marcel to the cemetery. Witches had put a curse to where Originals can enter but not leave until next moon rise. Just perfect. I rush through the gates and listen. Since I'm part human, my vampire abilities aren't the best and they aren't magnified as they are in my siblings. That doesn't mean I'm weak, I'm the strongest witch ever and can destroy everyone if I wanted to. No one stands a chance.

I see Marcel picked up on them and I follow him. I grab him by the shirt and pull him behind some headstones.

"I suggest you stay here since you're on Niklaus' list of people who've made him mad," I say and Marcel goes to argue but he uses his common sense and sinks below. I peer my head and see Niklaus hit Elijah into the chest making him fly. Rebekah stands there but before Niklaus can get to her, Elijah retaliates and sends Niklaus into a couple of headstones, breaking them. That's rude.

Niklaus then decides to go hybrid mode and his blue eyes turn gold and he snarls. This is not good. He rushes and this time when he hits Elijah, Elijah flies and is down for the count. Rebekah actually looks scared and Marcel looks at me. I roll my eyes and keep watching. First I need to see if Niklaus will change his mind.

Rebekah hits Niklaus but Niklaus doesn't even feel it. He grabs Rebekah by the neck and slams her into the ground creating a dent. He keeps his left hand at her throat and he raises his right hand. In his right fist is the one and only white oak stake. Ok get your shit together and don't do this.

"Darling sister, it's been fun but you never learn your lesson," Niklaus exclaims and Rebekah manages to speak.

"I'd rather die than pretend I matter to you. You should know, not that it'll make any difference, that I automatically tried to reverse it."

"You're right, it didn't make any difference. Good bye, Rebekah," Niklaus says and starts to lower his hand.

"Stop!" I shout and rush over and grab his arm before it connected with his heart. Niklaus glares at me and tries to scare me by snarling at me. I narrow my gaze and a small whimper comes from Niklaus but too low for anyone but me to hear. Rebekah opens her eyes and let's a sigh of relief when she sees me.

"Juliana, let go of me!" Niklaus orders and I scoff, who does he think he is?

"Niklaus we got bigger problems right now."

"This is my number one priority."

"No, Niklaus, this is more important!" I urge but Niklaus doesn't budge. His sight is set on Rebekah and that's one of the things I hate about my brother, he's stubborn as hell.

"Juliana i said go away!" He growls and tries to break out of my grasp but I'm a lot stronger than I look. I don't budge and that's when I sense it. A dagger, it's coming straight for Niklaus and so I do what any sibling should do; I run and the dagger intersects with my abdomin, making me fall. This gets their attention.

"JULIANA!?" Nikalus and Rebekah yell in unison. I groan and try to remove it but I can't, but we got bigger problems. I recognize the dagger, it was the same one that killed me the first time. There's only one person who'd have this dagger and that one person is supposed to be dead.


Who do y'all think it is? What did you think? Interesting? Dumb? Amazing? I should stop writing? Let me know, I love feedback. Also please give it a vote:) Thanks.

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