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I still remember when I first saw my siblings again. It was Niklaus, Rebekah and Elijah. It was the same siblings that abandoned me in 1492 just after Katarina Petrova killed herself and became immortal. I figured Niklaus was gonna try to get his revenge and I was right. I arrived in Bulgaria to see Katarina crying over her dead parents bodies.

I knew Niklaus was dangerous when he was upset but I didn't want to think he did this. I mean at first Katarina was ready to fight but then she saw I was alone and realized we were one in the same. We made a pact to stay together and it worked until she wanted to go back to Mystic Falls. I was there once and once was enough so I toured Europe again.

Now when I arrived in New Orleans, imagine my surprise when I saw that my traitorous siblings were in town. It's been over five hundred years since I saw them and don't we have a lot of catching up to do.

I strolled into New Orleans that day and caught everyone's attention. I looked good too. I had on a black crop top with short shorts and cowboy boots. I had a red plaid shirt over the crop top and it was tied in the front. Lets say you adapt to the new styles.

I had my long, straight black hair in a messy bun and my electric blue eyes were darting around looking for lunch. I was hungry, I just came home from Europe.

"Juliana," I heard a familiar cool voice behind me and I smiled. I pivoted and turned to face Elijah. Elijah is the good honorable brother. He keeps his word and always tried to fix Niklaus. I don't blame him, he wasn't always this evil.

"Hello Elijah."

"Been a long time."

"Too long brother," I say and that's when Rebekah comes up and stops dead in her tracks. She stares at me as if she's seeing a ghost and looks paler than a ghost. She looks good. She has blonde hair that straight and to her shoulders. Her hazel eyes are still as gorgeous as they were five hundred years ago. She has on a gold tank top, a pair of jeans and knee high black boots. She's still drop dead gorgeous as she was back then.

"Hello Rebekah," I say and flash her a smile. Where's the brother I'm so desperately looking for? Niklaus is around here somewhere. I look at Elijah. He has on a black suit and his brown hair isn't long anymore, it's been cut short. His eyes are still the comforting brown they always were.

"Why are you in town?" Rebekah asks, she's clearly over the stun.

"Nice to see you too, sister," I remark and Rebekah has a guilty look but it quickly fades away.

"Juliana, why'd you come here?"

"I came from Europe and imagine my surprise when I saw all you traitors here. 'Always and Forever' maybe you should've specified who that was meant for."

"If you're here for revenge, get on with it. We have more pressing issues. Marcel has taken control of our city and our home. So as you can see, we have more important things to worry about."

"Wait, someone challenged Niklaus?"

"No we left and Marcel took over."

"Why'd you leave?"

"Mikael came."

I wanted to puke at the name. Mikael Mikaelson was our father and he's on a personal vendetta against Niklaus because Niklaus isn't his son. Apparently mom wasn't the good wife, she had a fling with a werewolf and boom here we have Niklaus. Lets just say Mikael didn't take it well. I don't call him father because that name doesn't fit him. I've been running from him because, like Niklaus, Mikael is upset at me too. I can't say why but he is.

"Wait, Mikael was here?"

Elijah and Rebekah nod.

"I'm out of here."

"Calm down, I staked that son of a bitch," the voice of the person I wanted to see comes from behind me. I turn around and smirk at him.

"Well Niklaus, what can I say, you never stop amazing me."

"Its good to see you Juliana."

I smile. I take in Niklaus. He has blonde hair and blue eyes but he's more of the evil guy. Maybe because me and Niklaus were always close, I can't see him being evil. I see him as misunderstood so he acts out. He wasn't born evil, no one was.

"Like wise."

"You going to stay? Or just passing through?" Elijah asks and I smile.

"I don't know, am I welcome here or will be left behind again?"


"You're always welcome. Stay and help me plot my revenge," Niklaus says and comes over. He looks at me and it's as if he's saying, please stay.

"I'd love to help you."

"Perfect, just like old times."

"So what's new?"

"Oh you didn't hear?" Rebekah asks and I shake my head.

"Should I tell her Nik or are you?" Rebekah asks Niklaus and he smiles.

"Please little sister, have the honor."

"Very well, our brother is having a baby."

I stop in my tracks.


"Nik is having a baby with this werewolf he got knocked up, Hayley. Rumor is that it's gonna be a girl."

I punch Niklaus on the shoulder.

"Good job, who knew that Niklaus would be the one having a kid?!"

Rebekah smiles.

"Ahh Juliana, a lot has happened in five hundred years. I say we make up for lost time," Elijah says and I nod.

"I agree."

In just like that all my anger vanishes.


So this was an idea I had and decided to make into a fan fiction. I love the Originals and so this story will have a lot of spoilers but I'm not gonna quote the show. So imma start the next chapter where Klaus goes after Rebekah for bringing Mikael and also I'm gonna bring back some old characters so...stay tuned. Comment what you think of Juliana and vote please. THANKS FOR READING!!

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