Chapter 31: Proposition

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I didn't know where I was. The last thing I remember was that I was staked by Elijah but that was at the jazz club. But the dagger was ripped out my chest and my neck was snapped. But how did I end up in this mausoleum?
My wrists were chained to the ceiling and the chains were laced with vervain and wolfsbane. There was also some magic spell that made my strength diminish. My legs were also tied with vervain-wolfbane rope. Whoever kidnapped me was prepared.
It would be easier if I could scream or get someone attention but they secured a tight gag around my mouth. This person wasn't taking any chances. Whoever it is, they're dead.
I heard a door in the distance open and footsteps approaching. A part of me hoped it was Juliana, she was the only sibling I liked right now. But it wasn't her. It was Freya.
"Ah I see you're awake," Freya remarks as she walks in. Her face is barely illuminated by the dimming candles. She removes my gag.
"Freya!" I shout, "Release me!"
She smirks, "Why would I do that? If I let you go, then you'll interfere with the plan and that won't work. No, with Juliana looking for you, that'll keep her preoccupied too. I think this is perfect."
I chuckle, "Juliana will murder you."
"She can't, I'm unkillable remember?"
I shake my head, "You underestimate Juliana."
"And you underestimate me!" She shouts at me and I shrug.
"All I see is a girl, desperate to be free, that she's deluded herself into thinking she's powerful enough to fight a stronger witch than she'll ever be."
Freya huffs, "And what makes Juliana so great?!"
I smile, "Because Juliana, unlike you, cares about family. She puts family before her own personal interests."
She laughs, "You'll never think of me as your family Klaus."
I smirk, "You're right about that. You're weak and pathetic and you'll never mean anything to me. Even if Dahlia dies, you'll still be alone because you won't be with my family."
Freya gets angry and I feel a sharp pain piercing my skull. I yowl in pain but Freya just laughs.
"I dare Juliana to try me," she chuckles, "She'll lose."
I close my eyes as I laugh, "That overconfidence, Freya, will be your demise."
Freya reapplies the gag and smiles at me before leaving, "We'll see how great Juliana can save you when she can't locate you."
I relaxed and shook my head; Juliana will find me. I had no doubt about that.

I guess I can give Elijah and Rebekah credit for helping me look for Niklaus but I was still mad at them. They shouldn't have daggered him; hes their brother for God's sake. But a couple things weren't adding up.
One, why would Dahlias first move be kidnapping Niklaus? I mean Dahlia is ambitious and she would want her first move to be something big. Something to keep us at the edge of our seats. Kidnapping Niklaus while he's daggered doesn't scream Dahlia.
Second, if she was planning to do something to Niklaus to turn him against us, why would she let us know it was her. She's easy to track and honestly, the rose was a big giver away. Dahlia would need time to work magic on Niklaus.
Third, she knew Hope wasn't with us so why would she waste the energy to come to the compound to get Niklaus and escape with him? Hayley isn't Niklaus' biggest fan so he'd be worthless in getting information from him about Hope.
I shake that out of my head as I walk into an abandoned church on the edge of town. I don't sneak in; I walk straight in. I let the door slam to let her know I'm here. We need to speed this along; Hayley's planning something with Hope. I understand she's her mother but Niklaus is her father and we're Hopes family as well. We love her just as much as she does. I don't like the wolves protecting her. They're honestly weak and pointless. We Mikaelsons would do a better job.
"Dahlia!" I shout, "I don't have all day!"
I see her appear, she smiles at me, "Juliana, what brings you here."
"Following a lead but I think you're being framed," I tell her and lean against the churches wall. She crosses her arms.
"Framed for what?"
"Well Niklaus went missing and there was this dried, dead rose," I throw the rose to her, "All signs point to you but it wasn't you."
Dahlia crosses her arms and smirks, "You're sure about this?"
I smile, "Positive and I think we both know who is the real culprit."
"So why don't you go talk to her."
"Because you and I both know that she'll deny it. You see I know she's cloaked him and if we work together, we could find the location."
Dahlia shakes her head, "Why would I help you?"
"Because I'm you're niece," I tell her and she sighs.
"Very well," she remarks, "I actually like you Juliana. You're my favorite Mikaelsom so far."
I smile, "Well thanks, I try to be likeable. But this doesn't change anything."
Dahlia grins, "I think it changes it a little."
We join hands and begin chanting. Pretty soon I feel the spell lifting and the black ash moving on the map. I feel a huge gust of wind as the spell finishes. Dahlia looks breathless and shocked. She stares at me.
"You're magic is powerful," she exclaims and I nod.
"Don't forget it."
"Before you leave, I have a proposition for you."
"Not interested."
"Oh I think you will be. It has to do with you protecting Hope."
I stop and look at her, "I'm listening."
"I want to channel Hope because she's strong but your magic is one of the strongest magic I've ever felt in my entire life. So what we can do is I'll channel you instead. Hope can live a happy life and I'll even stay here in New Orleans. You can be a part of her life."
"So basically you can either channel me or Hope."
She nods, "The choice is yours. I'll let you think about it."
I turn around and leave. Her proposition is still playing in my head. My power instead of Hopes. Why would I say no?
But we can think about that later. Right now Niklaus is my priority. Time to save him. And beat up Freya.




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