Chapter 14: They're Back

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We arrive back at the house to find Davina slumped against the wall, crying. Marcel rushes over but stops when he sees what has happened. All of his vampires, the ones with werewolf bites, are dead except for one. Diego, I think his name is, is alive but barely breathing. I look at Niklaus who rushes over and makes a cut in his wrist and feeds his blood to Diego who drinks greedily. He coughs a little and then looks at us all; his eyes show fear.

"Diego what happened?" Marcel asks and Diego looks around, he finally comprehended what happened.

"I don't know, it happened quickly but I remember someone coming and biting into my neck and sucking my blood out."

My heart skips a beat,"How did he look like?"

Diego shrugs,"I don't remember."

Oh shit. I look at Davina and growl. In a split second I'm over where she is and have my hand around her throat. I lift her off the ground and slam her back into the wall.

"What did you do?!" I scream at her and she looks down. I see tears escaping her eyes and I take a couple of deep breaths.

"I'm sorry," she whispers and I squeeze my hand tighter.

"What did you do?!" I scream again but this time harsher. I let her fall and she crumbles to the ground. I squat and stare at her.

"I'm sorry, he tricked me. I was mad at Klaus because Josh was dying he didn't help him so he came to me."


Davina nods,"And he said that if I helped him, he could destroy Klaus and save Josh. So I did what he asked and they tricked me!"

"Who's they?"

"Three of them, two boys and a woman. I didn't catch their names."


"And I think the other one is Finn, he teamed up with mother a while back," Elijah said and we didn't need a recap. We all knew Finn hated being a vampire and so he teamed up with mother to cast a spell to link us and then kill us. Well it didn't work but now all three of them are back.

"I swear I thought I had control-"

"Shut up!" I growled and she zipped her lips. Now we had two problems, one being every witch wanting to kill the baby and the next, our whole family has risen, except for Kol. What are we going to do?

"Which problem should we address first?" Niklaus asks and I take a deep breath.

"Lets figure out the baby first, and then," I point my finger at Davina,"you and I will talk. Don't let her leave."

"Have an idea?" Hayley asks and I collapse in a chair. Its been a stressful day, I was suffering from a werewolf bite, had to kill some witches and now this. Why can't we have a day off? Just a normal day.

"Well we can send the baby away and let people think she died?" Niklaus said and I shrugged. It wasn't a bad idea.

"But where can we possibly send her?" Hayley asks and I had an idea.

"Rebekah!" Niklaus said and I looked at him weirdly. Not what I was thinking about.


"No?" Niklaus repeats and stares at me.

I get up and look him straight in the eyes and place my hands on my hips,"Right now we need to be a family to fight Mikael and Esther together. Not to mention if Finn is back! We need Rebekah and she can't help if she's protecting a baby!"

Niklaus grabs me by the throat and I feel the oxygen escape,"DON'T TELL ME WHAT'S RIGHT FOR MY CHILD!"

I place my hand on his wrist and then close my eyes, Niklaus groans and drops me as he grips his head. I sigh and take in the oxygen.

"Juliana are you alright?" Elijah asks and I nod.

"Look Niklaus I promise you after this, Rebekah can take care of the baby but right now we need to be a family."

"Some family, where's Kol?" Niklaus snarls and I shrug.

"We work with what we got."

"And what will we do with the baby?"

"Simple, we'll send her to be with Hayleys pack until the fighting is over and I'll cast a spell to keep them hidden."

Hayley nods,"I like it."

Niklaus puffs out a sigh. He knows he's lost this battle. He drops his head and storms off into the bedroom, Hayley heads up there after him. Elijah gets his phone and heads somewhere else to probably call Rebekah. Marcel and Diego flee somewhere so Davina and I are left alone. She looks at me and I yank her up.

"Come along now, you and I have a lot to do!"

~~~~~~~~(A/N time elapsed)

Davina opened the door of the library where she did the spell to bring Esther back. She showed me step by step what to do and I memorized it. She looked at me, regret filling her eyes.

"You're going to do the spell."

She looks up,"No I'm not!"

I get close up to her and let my fangs show,"Listen to me you little bitch, the whole reason we are in this mess is because you decided to trust the snake in the garden. Now you will do this and you'll bring my brother Kol back!"

Davina nods, fear present and begins. I push some papers back and sit on the desk and watch her. Niklaus is right, we need Kol.

"So sister is this really going to happen?" Kol asks and I nod.

"We need you."

Kol smiles,"I'm always needed."

I roll my eyes and watch as Davina starts the spell.

"You know I'm going to be hungry right?"

I smile,"Don't worry Kol."

He smiles but it quickly fades as he falls to the ground holding his head and screaming in pain. I examine my nails as all this plays out and realized I should go and get them done soon. Finally the screaming dies down and Davina stares straight at Kol. It worked.

I jump down and hug Kol tightly, tears threaten my eyes. Kol hugs me back and we stay like that for a while. Davina slowly starts to back away from us and had the door open a crack when I run and slam it shut. Angry flows through her.

"What the hell!" she yells and I smirk.

"Did you really think I'd show you mercy after what you did?"

Davina gulps.

"I think that's a yes sister," Kol remarks and I smile.

"You betrayed us and I'm not that forgiving."

I can feel the skin near my eyes wrinkle up and I grab Davina by the back of her head. I pull her close and sink my teeth into her neck. She screams loudly and I enjoy every minute of it. I rip away from her and she begs me to spare her. I laugh and throw her over to Kol who drinks for a while but she's still alive when he's done. I hold her close and then snap her neck. I let her body collapse and in that minute Niklaus breaks through the door to see the mess we made. I smile, blood stains my face.

"Kol?" Niklaus asks and Elijah stops in his tracks when he sees him.

"It can't be."

"Think again, hello darling brothers. I am so glad to be back!" Kol exclaims and I only smile. I take one last look at Davinas body and wish I could've made her suffer more. It doesn't matter, it was still a good day.




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