Chapter 29: After

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Dahlia knew she was outnumbered and she made sure to destroy the blade Freya had made. As far as the blade went it was made from viking ash and some other things that aren't as rare as the Viking ash.
Well after Dahlia left Freya lashed out on mother which caused mother to die. Finn was on the verge of it but Freya locked him in her necklace and as for Mikael, well Niklaus was taking care of that.
Freya was crying as Niklaus held the white oak stake to his heart. Niklaus wanted answers as to why Mikael hated him and Mikael couldn't give him answers. Mikael tried to tell Freya he loved her but Niklaus killed him again before he could.
Its been a week and Dahlias been dormant. Freya has sunk into isolation and given us an ultimatum. If we want to work with her, we can't work with Niklaus. I chose Niklaus which was the easiest decision I made. Rebekah and Elijah though are having a hard time deciding.
I held Hope as we were in the jazz club that was magic proof. I was trying to figure out a way to mask Hopes magic but Hayley had other plans. Ever since she and Jackson got married she's been relying a lot on him to protect Hope. I wouldn't trust him; Dahlia got into his head once what makes him think she won't get in again. She wants to run away with Hope and him to the bayou. Well let's say hearing Niklaus storming up here, he wasn't a fan of this idea.
Most people might say Niklaus is overreacting and paranoid but he loves Hope. He lost Hope once, he  doesn't want to lose her again.
"You cannot tell me what to do! I am her mother!" Hayley screams and I roll my eyes. He's her father what's her point.
"I am her father!"
Too much yelling. I was going to say  something but Jackson came in, shouting Klaus' name and anger flowing through his body. He carried Aiden, or his body inside, and anyone would think it was Niklaus. Aiden gas scratch marks on his skin and his heart is ripped out but I know it's not Niklaus. Niklaus would've brought Aidens body to Jackson. This was Dahlia.
"You killed him because he told me everything!" Jackson shouts. I give Hope to Rebekah and stand up. Elijah is ready to fight, so am I.
"So what if I did?!" Niklaus shouts and I mentally face palm myself. He's trying to scare them by agreeing to a death he didn't even commit. Too bad no one else was that perceptive.
Jackson punches Niklaus and Niklaus attacks. The wolves pounce and I push them back. I dare them to try me.
Elijah breaks them up and threatens Jackson. I smile, he chose Niklaus. But then I see Rebekah nod to Freya. Freya throws something at Elijah and Elijah catches it. It's the dagger Niklaus used to dagger his siblings. Elijah turns around and looks at Niklaus. Before I can respond, Rebekah grabs my arm and Elijah stakes Niklaus.
I go for Niklaus but my neck gets snapped.
Just filling you guys in. The story
Starts in next chapter

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