Chapter 37: Lets talk about Kol

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Everything so far:

If you had ever told me Niklaus would've fallen in love with a human, I would've scoffed at the idea. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't witnessed it with my own eyes. Aurora had compelled Camille, the moment Niklaus told her he loved her, she slit her throat, and became a vampire. The Strix are back, fighting but leaderless. Tristan is now at the bottom of the ocean, taking Rebekah's place in an iron crate as revenge for killing Jackson. Yeah Jackson is dead, maybe Elijah and Hayley have a chance now but seeing how sad she is, I don't think so. We also took down Aurora, she's being sealed in a tomb that Niklaus bricked up. There are also white oak bullets but as far as we're concerned, we destroyed it. But now besides all these issues, we face a much bigger one...Davina. Was I expecting her coming to way. Was I expecting what she had said? No way in Hell.

Freya POV:

There was a lot of things that I had to worry about. One, were there anymore white oak bullets left that could kill my brothers. Two, how to cure Rebekah from a curse that caused her to want to kill everyone. And three, how to keep my family together. Camille broke up with Niklaus yesterday, angry that he didn't kill Aurora. Ever since she became a vampire, she turned all dark side on everyone, but I think it pisses Juliana off the most. I was terrified for Hayley as well, she lost her husband to the Strix, the least I could do is worry for her. Not to mention, Elijah can finally admit to her how he likes her but I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Being alone in the compound wasn't bad. Right now I got to relax a little bit before my brothers got home with the end of the world dilemmas they always throw at me. But being able to help them is a lot better than being away from them. Finally having a family is better than nothing.

"Freya," I heard her voice behind me. I turned around to see her light eyes, and high cheekbones. Her lips are pressed tightly as if she's debating about coming here. Unlike Juliana, I don't have much problem with Davina, but Juliana absolutely despises her. I guess it's understandable, she did try to kill Niklaus multiple times, so Niklaus isn't a part of her fan club either, but why is she here?

"Davina," I say, calmly, "Can I help you with something?"

Before she can respond, Niklaus and Elijah walk in, their expressions darken and Niklaus glares at her.

"What are you doing here?" Niklaus growls.

"I just have a question, after that I'll be gone," She tells us.

"What's the question?"

She takes a deep breath, "How much does Juliana love Kol?"

"Why does it matter?" I ask.

"It's important, please just answer it."

Elijah speaks, "Kol and Juliana have a close bond. Juliana is the youngest and since the majority of us were always out hunting, learning how to hunt, Kol tended to stay back and hang out with Juliana. When mother had to do something, Kol always remained behind and watched over her. He always protected her as well. When we left her, Kol wanted to go find her. He was willing to go to her rather than stay with us, hence where Niklaus comes in and daggers him. When he really died, it touched her in more ways than we know and care to find out."

"Thank you, just one more question, do you know where she is? I've been looking for Juliana, I have a question for her about a spell, I could really use her insight."

"You can ask me," I let her know and she shakes her head.

"No this has to be Juliana."

"Last I heard of, she was hanging out at the bar Cami worked at."

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