Chapter 42: Brink of Death

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Waking up, I wasn't quite sure where I was. For one thing, I knew I wasn't in Mystic Falls anymore, but the place looked more like a cemetery. I was absolutely positive that the other side was destroyed a while ago. The only other place I could think of being was in the ancestral realm but I wasn't consecrated in New Orleans so that'd be impossible. 

Rather than sit here and wonder, maybe I should just poke around. 

Standing up, I feel a jolt of pain run through my body. I knew that spell I did took a lot out of me, and healing Finn afterwards, could've killed me. I would know I was dead, I've died before, when I was turned and I felt the life leave my body. Right now I still feel life pulsing inside me, so I think I'm okay for right now.

Walking around, I don't see anyone around, just fog and silence. Well silence I could deal with but rather there's an eerie sound coming all along. I know I'm in witch territory, I personally have killed some of these witches, and I know they aren't a big fan of us Mikaelsons. Especially not-

"Juliana," her voice crows behind me. I close my eyes, take a deep breath, without turning around, speak.



I didn't know what to do. The whole Lucien thing was completely my fault and I don't even know what Juliana did  to him. Or to help Finn. Or why Niklaus couldn't help Finn. But one thing I did know, Juliana was dying. I could see it on how she was turning paler by the second and sweat beamed down her forehead. I wasn't sure what I could do to save her.

Niklaus brought her in, he laid her down on her bed but she wasn't responsive. First off, I don't even know what's wrong or what she did or what even happened at the field. Second off, if she's on the verge of death, her body might just give up. I was scared, if Juliana died, I don't think anyone could ever forgive themselves considering she would die protecting them.

My thoughts are interrupted when Davina walks in, "What happened?"

I shrug, for the first time I truly don't know. I explain to her everything that happened in the field and Lucien and the spell she did. Davina's face softens and she softly curses before finally speaking.

"She did a dangerous spell that should've killed her. The spell interfered with Lucien's all powerful magic, that the ancestors probably gave to make him, and it should've destroyed him. But in the process it would've destroyed her. I don't know why it didn't, it kills any witch that attempts it."

"Ahh but we forget that Juliana isn't any normal witch, no she's special because she's part vampire," Niklaus points out.

I nod, "Which means the vampire side is the only thing keeping her on the verge of death right now."

"Well there should be something we can do, do we know where she is?"

I shrug, "I would think she'd be with the other ancestors...if she's here in New Orleans, she's in trouble."

"How come?" Niklaus asks, worry trembling in his voice.

"Mother and Dahlia."

Niklaus slowly curses, throwing a chair across the room, shattering it, "Figure out a way to bring her back! If she's left with them, they'll destroy her."

"Well she might not even be there...she wasn't consummated in New Orleans so she shouldn't have access to that," Davina puts in.

"Yes but Juliana is a different witch. Because when she was made, her spirit, witch part, wasn't tied to a spirit ground. She's a free witch which means she has access to all spiritual realms and magic that no ordinary witch has. She's all powerful...for the most part. She doesn't get exhausted from doing multiple spells at once, unless they're this powerful. But her human part injures her, causing her to sustain injuries from falling or anything," I explain. I always wanted to be as powerful as a free witch considering there was only one other in existence but she wasn't very good.

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