Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven - Brother

Monday, 16th March 2020


I stuffed the burger in my mouth and took a bite. My breakfast today wasn't big. Kris didn't come home last night, and I didn't see him this morning. KT dropped us off.

He must be super mad at me.

I'm fucked.

When I finished my burger, I took a sip of Coke and noticed Zachary staring at me with curiosity shining in his eyes. I tilted my head, "What're you looking at?"

He shook his head, "I've never seen a girl eat fast food so openly, let alone that quick."

I rolled my eyes, "What? Do the girls you know eat salads, or better yet, eat nothing?"

He shrugged, "More or less." I smirked, "Well, I'm not all girls."

"No, you're not," he smirked back. I wiped my mouth with a napkin, "What do you want to know?"

He raised a questioning eyebrow, "What?"

"You wanted to get to know me, so what do you wanna know?"

He put a finger on his chin as if thinking, "Who's that guy, and what is he to you?"

"Be more specific, which guy?"

"The one that was making out with a girl."

"He's Samuel, my best friend."

He raised both eyebrows and stared at me, "Well, your best friend just left you unattended with me when both of you are joined by the hips."

"He knows I can protect myself. It's fine."

He hummed in response and clasped his hands together on the table to lean forward, "How about playing 20 questions?"

"You asked the first, my turn. Middle name?"

"Seriously? My middle name?" I nodded. He sighed, "Ryder. Yours?"

"Madeleine. Relationships?"

"Two exes and a couple of flings," he then pointed at me and asked the same question. I smirked a teeny bit, "Two exes."

It's true. After Sam and I 'broke up', I got together with this guy a month after. Broke it off because he heard something that he shouldn't have. What he heard, you may ask? Well, that's for me to know and you to find out.

"Single," he mumbled under his breath but I could hear it. I asked again, "Siblings?"

"A younger twin. You?"

"Not telling. That's a personal topic."

His eyes softened for a slight bit, "Did something happen?" I shook my head, "I just...don't wanna talk about them."

When talking about siblings, reality rushed to my brain and told me that the worlds he and I live in are in two different universes. He'll get hurt if he gets involved in my shit. Luckily, he dropped the topic and talked about something else, "What should I call you? Krystallia's pretty mouthful."

I stared into his chocolate eyes, "How about you pick? My name can morph into a lot of nicknames."

His lips slightly twitched upwards, "Krystal?"





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