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Four years ago...

The woman pulled the sixteen-year-old girl by her ear. The hallway was empty as everyone was already in class studying. She pushed the school doors open and threw the girl onto the parking lot.

"Consider yourself expelled!" the woman shouted in rage and stomped back inside. The girl picked herself up from the ground and swept her blonde hair with red streaks off her face before picking up her bag and slinging it over her shoulder.

"Seventh time in the last two years. When are you gonna learn?" A deep, muscular voice erupted from behind her and she turned around to be met with a broad chest.

"I did nothing wrong this time, she just didn't like that I proved she was cheating on her husband in front of the whole school."

He let out a deep chuckle before ruffling up her hair, "Oh, how I love when you do that." The girl smiled as he threw his arm over her shoulder, "Now, why don't we head home and try to find a new school for you troublemakers, kitty?"

She smirked and held his hand that was hanging off of her shoulder, "You bet."

Chapter One is on the way so stay tuned! Thank you for choosing to read AYR.

See you!


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