Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six - Three And A Half Minutes

Sunday, 29th March 2020


I gently held her waist as I stepped closer, my eyes flickering to her lips every so often. Her arms wrapped themselves around my neck before pulling me down to meet her lips.

Fuck me.

Our lips fitted like puzzle pieces, cliché I know, but it's true. My grip on her waist tightened as she ran her fingers through my hair.

I could run my fingers in your pu-

Too much? Ok.

I opened my mouth and ran my tongue across her bottom lip, asking for entry into her mouth but she, of course, denied. Wanting to take things slightly further, slightly, I put my hands on her hips and lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around my waist and tightened her arms around my neck.

Still kissing her, I laid her on the bed and she unhooked her legs but of course, I grabbed her thigh and hoisted it up and over my waist. Keeping hold of her leg, I tried prying her lips apart with my tongue but she can be really stubborn at times.

Instead, I took my mouth off of hers and went for her neck. Placing soft kisses and nibbling on the skin, my mind went into overdrive when she let out a moan so soft, fucking Zach Jr. over there was having an opposite effect.

I sucked a spot on her neck, wanting to leave a mark on her when she pushed me away, causing me to frown, "Diamond?"

"My family will kill me," she said and I sighed, "But you're a legal adult."

"I'm not the one paying the bills, so I've gotta abide by their rules. One of them is no visible hickeys," she explained and I smirked before leaning down and whispering in her ear, "No visible hickeys, huh?"

I gently nibbled her earlobe before pulling her neckline down, exposing her collarbone. I kissed on the skin before sucking on it. My hand seemed to have a mind of its own as it started roaming all over her body and under her shirt.

God damn, going to second base already.

After around ten seconds of sucking on her skin, I pulled my mouth off her collarbone and looked at the dark bruise. My hand was just a little bit below her chest and Kryst slowly pulled it out from under her shirt.

I gently grabbed her hand and looked up to see her with a small smile and I smiled myself, "What?"

She just blinked and shook her head before motioning for me to lay beside her.

So I did.

I laid on my side before getting a hold of her waist and turning her to face me. My eyes flickered to the hickey on her clavicle and I gently ran the pad of my thumb over it.

"I'll have to go soon," I said, frowning. She placed a hand on my cheek, "Don't feel sad. We'll see each other tomorrow."

"I don't wanna leave you," my hand was slowly moving down her hips until her thigh. Her face was completely calm as she spoke, "You'll have to eventually, my brother's going to come check up on me."

"How do you tell the difference anyway?"

She smiled and poked my cheek, "That's for me to know, and you to find out. Just be observant with the small details on their appearances and the way they act. It's not hard, honestly."

I squinted my eyes at her before bringing her closer and laying her head on my chest, "How are they usually like?"

She grabbed onto my hoodie as she scooted closer, "Kristopher is the calmer, expressionless one. He doesn't like to show the weakness we call 'emotions'. As for Kristian, he's rather friendly and is more of the peacemaker."

"What about you?" I asked, playing with the ends of her dyed hair. She slightly lifted her head to meet my eyes, "What about me?"

"We have a stoic guy and a peacemaker. What role do you play in the family?"

She laid her head back down on my chest and played with the drawstrings of my hoodie, "The troublemaker, I guess. I'm lucky to still be in the house."

I nodded and rested my cheek against her forehead, "Who's older?"

"Kristopher, by three and a half minutes."

"That's...oddly specific," I said, my lips twitching upwards. She giggled and fiddled with the strings, "They bicker about it all the time and would always bring this up. It's hard not to remember it. I can't believe they're 27."

"Seven years between you, isn't it hard to communicate?" I asked and she sighed, "People used to think like that, including me, but when the only people you can trust and rely on is them, you tend to not mind the age gap. We turned out fine anyway."

I could see that she didn't want to continue this topic so I switched up to another one, "Why is fast food so good?"

She smirked, "That was one way to change topics."


Reaching home, I pulled my hood over my head and got out of my car, holding the plastic bag with me. I unlocked the door with my key and walked in, my eyes staring at the stairs that were away from the couch.

Why is my mother like this? At least go to your room. Jesus Christ.

I closed the door behind me and bolted up the stairs, trying to block out the groans and moans from mom and her boyfriend. I barged in Ben's room and saw him lounging on his chair, tapping away on his phone. I placed the plastic bag on his desk to reveal bags of Doritos.

"Thanks, bro," he said, putting his phone down and opening a bag, offering me some. I took one before walking towards the door. I turned around when I reached the doorframe, "Don't go downstairs, alright? They didn't make it to the room."

His face morphed into disgust as he slowly placed a chip in his mouth, "No joke that guy looked fresh out of high school."

I shrugged, "Pretty sure he is," I strolled out of the room and closed the door behind me, "Night."

I heard a 'night' right as I closed the door and walked into my room next door. I changed out of my clothes and into a simple pair of sweatpants, brushed my teeth before climbing into my bed.

Getting under the covers, my mind went over what happened tonight. Kryst and I were talking on her bed after a make-out session, in which I left a hickey on her collarbone.

And we supposedly went on one date.

Thank you for choosing to read AYR.

See you!


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