forty four

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Mercury's mother stood in front of the floor length mirror. She wore her favourite navy jumpsuit and put on her pearl earrings and matching necklace. It was important for her to look her absolute best after she succeeded in her task. She slipped on her white gloves and softly powdered her face. The detective and his officer would be accompanying her in getting rid of the menace and retrieving her demon of a daughter. She of course had to thank Violet's boyfriend and sent a check with a large sum of money. Hopefully the cheapskate wouldn't spend it on something stupid.

She heard her doorbell ring and glanced at the time, 9 o'clock- they were right on time. Punctuality was important to the woman, time was costly and she simply did not have time to waste. Her tasks were based on an agenda, she isn't a fan of spontaneous decisions. However, she did like to take her time. Sauntering down the stairs letting her fingers dance lightly on the marble railing, big diamond ring adorning her finger. She opens he front door and her red lips turn upwards in her most polite and fake smile, "gentlemen", she greets. 

She makes her way to the black Bentley waiting at the steps, she would not be seen in a car of the lower class. She slides in and a wicked smile toys at her lips as the car begins driving.

The women knew that getting her daughter back would give her the answers she needed on her husbands whereabouts given he had just disappeared. Her life simply revolved around her husband and without him caused a sense of instability, something she could not afford to have. There were times when the woman wished her family wasn't the way it was. That her husband loved her again and she had the traditional motherly bond between her daughter.

That she wouldn't have to be in this car seeking her out, because in a normal world, she'd be at home, or at a friends house. And in an ideal world, her and her husband would be snuggled together in from of the fireplace, for wealth and intelligence would not matter since familial love would be enough to keep the three going.

But this was not an ideal world, for her daughter was clinically insane, she did not have a bond with her and it was at the point where it would not be repairable. She was not the ideal wife and did not have a husband who loved her, her life was not the fairytale that she thought it would be upon growing up. And because of that, she had turned into the cold-hearted woman that she is.

After several hours the car pulls up to the villa, that surprisingly wasn't as ugly as she had expected. Stepping out of the car with the men she knocks on the door roughly, to which I opens to her prevail. She steps in, "hello?" the detective calls out as they all look at each other in confusion. The woman scoffed, this was so typical of Mercury wanting to play games of hide and seek.

"Find her," the woman states sharply as they begin searching the villa.

Her heels click around the house loudly before entering the kitchen.

But Mercury was not home,for the kitchen was now home to two dead bodies.

And for once the woman's chest pounded with nervousness, 

her daughters beast had truly been unleashed.

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