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Mercury, Nick and Violet all sat in the the stained plastic chairs  in the waiting room of the hospital

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Mercury, Nick and Violet all sat in the the stained plastic chairs  in the waiting room of the hospital. Nick staring blankly at a wall with Violet fast asleep on his shoulder, their hands grasped eachother in an unspoken code. Mercury however was keeping a sharp watch on the clock which now read 8:34pm. They had been sitting for almost six hours and she was sure that if her mother had been here she would've complained about the poor service of public hospitals, and emphasised dramatically as to why their family was registered in a private one. However, there was no family here for Dean.

His name was in their system as a stand alone saying that he had been in the system for three years, Mercury had expected a worried mother or a stern dad or an aunt of some sort next to her. Asking who she was and if they were dating and what happened to their beloved son. But none of that happened, because there was no family here and Mercury did not like Dean. The Japanese girl who they had found out was called Yuki had been the one to find Dean. Apparently stating that she had woken up from the sofa to find Dean collapsed on the ground with his eyes rolled to the back of his head in a post seizure like state. Mercury's leg still hurt from that day and she knew it would scar, she grimaced to herself at this.

"Did you know?"
She turns around to meet Nick's eyes which held an expression she wasn't familiar with. It made her dislike him even more, "know what exactly?" Her shoulders had now tensed as she narrowed her eyes to look at the blue eyed boy. "Don't worry..." he mumbles but Mercury caught onto each syllable. Standing up abruptly she made her way over to him before bending down. Opening her mouth she was ready to speak before getting cut off , "thank you for your paitence, we have some pleasant news." Behind her stood a doctor who seemed to be unfazed by the scene before him, holding onto his clip board briefly whilst eyeing the white haired girl.

She was glad there was good news.
This meant she could leave.

"Are you the girlfriend?"
Mercury's face for the first time was a look of surprise as her mouth gasped open slightly. "She is..." Nicks voice filled the awkward silence. The doctor nodded before guestering for Mercury to follow him. Glaring at Nick she followed the doctor frustrated that she was being bossed around.

Mercury hates hospitals, the hacking and wheezing of people in rooms dying, the odd twinkle of the white tiled walls and the stale coffee that the nurses dipped in made her sick. She steps into the room that Dean occupies. "He's doing very well and he should be able to come out tomorrow. He simply suffered from a...serious allergic reaction..." Mercury narrowed her eyes at the doctors odd behaviour. They stared at eachother until the doctor realised she wouldn't be saying anything and left the room. Turning around she looked at Dean who's eyes coyly watched her every move. They were open in weak slits and his dark locks were ruffled and falling in front of his face like curtains.

"The fuck are you doing here?"
He asked groggily, leaning up on both elbows to see her better. She didn't know how to react, she wasn't used to asking if people were okay or being sweet. The situation made her palms sweat and heart beat loudly in her ear. Chewing her lip softly she said that only thing she could think of. "You look like shit." He frowned at her taking in her well groomed appearance. She looked more kept together than the other day. "Why would they send you out of all people? Actually. Don't answer that question. I don't care." She sits down next to his bed and they both stare at the wall wondering what they were doing there.

"It's not worth it."
"Heroine. It's not worth it."

He drew his lip between his teeth leaning back to now stare at the ceiling. He knew she didn't care, that was evident the day she had seen him. Truthfully he wasn't sure if he would touch the drug again or not , the boy simply wanted an escape from reality. "Dean, wheres your family?"

She didn't care
But she didn't know why she asked.

He shrugs refusing to make eye contact. He was being oddly calm and somewhat nice to her today, she assumed it was because he was still recovering. He would go back to normal tomorrow. Abruptly he sits up and pulls the drip from his arm. His tall frame suddenly filled up the room and he looked sick with bags looking under his eyes, cheeks hollowed and a hospital gown covering him. He moves over to the shelf feeling the pockets before pulling out a cigarette and lighter. Placing a cigarette in between his lips he shimmy's his jeans on underneath the gown before taking it off and placing a jumper on top.

He walked in front of her before crouching down to stare into her rainbow eyes. "You have to learn to not care because the world is a mess sweetheart." His hands itch to trace the carves of her face and the silk of her hair. But he doesn't , instead he lights up his cigarette and continues "scary things... thugs, wolves, bad friends, violent ends, wild seas, bees knees... all of it." His mind was racing and he wasn't able to grasp onto reality properly. He pulled open the drawer and grabbed as many pills as he could. Shoving them into his pocket he looks back at the girl that he hates and would ensure to ruin.

"When there is a needle in my arm, gun in my pocket, blood oozing out of my eyes. Don't find me or help me, I wouldn't think twice about helping your celestial planet."

Exiting the room one thought clicked in his mind,
the girl had to become crazy like him. He needed someone to understood the shit he went through and in order to do that

Because he knew within this moment, that life would never be the same.

Every time she returned,

hell would leave its mark.

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