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Somehow at five in the afternoon, long after school ended, Mercury found herself standing in front of the dingy apartment that belonged to Dean.  Truthfully the young girl had no idea what she was doing here, it was the middle of winter and rain clouds were brewing in the sky. Her tailored uniformed skirt did nothing to protect her legs against the harshness of the icy air. Inhaling deeply she opens the door allowing herself in- there was simply no need to knock as she had been here far too many times. Mercury silently hoped that Violet was here, sitting in the lounge snogging her boyfriend. It would provide the perfect excuse for being where she was, however the mellow old school rap that flooded her ears proved otherwise. Violet hates rap- which meant that her dear friend was not here. She drops her bang near the door in the dark hallway. The walls were a tan colour with the hallway completely empty except for a small table with house keys that would fall off any minute.

The music seemed to get louder as she made her way down the hall, turning left into the kitchen she greeted a surprisingly sober Nick. "Mercury, hey!" She liked that he greeted first- something she would never do. In all the times of knowing him which really wasn't long she had never seen Nick sober. "Hey", she replied cooly as her fingers wrapped around an empty beer can. Opening the fridge he opens it to pass her a fresh can. "I know it's weird for you to see me like this...In a more sober state, i'm doing it for Violet though. She doesn't like my other lifestyle" Truthfully Mercury couldn't give a shit what Nick did, "you should do it for yourself, not her", but to hear that it was to make Violet happy brought a fuzzy feeling to the heart that was barely there inside of her chest.

"Yeah..." Nick pauses to rub the back of his neck in thought. "I mean it's only been like a few weeks but it's like I'm riding a different wavelength Merc, I don't know, it's like I'm fighting to scratch an itch I've got, but I know it's better for me to not reopen the wound." She didn't like the nickname at all but gave him a smile of support. "That's so good Nick, I'm sure Violet's proud".
She couldn't see what Violet saw in the useless junkie in front of her."Yeah I gotta go I'm off to see her." Much to her surprise he pulls her in for a quick hug which she softly pats his shoulder in return, Mercury couldn't remember the last time she had been hugged. Genuinely at least. A small smile almost crept onto her face but she kept her blank expression on her face.

She heard the front door shut which announced his departure before making her away to the living room where she could now feel the bass from the music vibrating through her body. Before her on the couch laid an angsty looking boy with a blunt dangling from his lips. A belt was tightly fastened around his arm, spoon, lighter, powder and sringe on the table in front of him. She was going to be sick. Dean's eyes lazily rolled to hers as he stared her down.

Dean was like water colour, so vibrant suddenly looking washed out. He noticed how the white haired girl froze upon seeing the sight of him, his mind was clouded in pure ecstasy, he was travelling on planes her had never been on before. Europhia coursing through his body. He closes his eyes and parts his lips slightly as he tilts his head back. "Fuck.

He could feel the rush surging through him within the first 15 seconds to a minute. It was almost so strong he could feel the rush whilst he was pushing the syringe in. The rush is the onset of the heroin high. Mercury watches him aggressively scratch his arm briefly, before seeing a sense of relief coat his face.

Not a lot of things made Mercury nervous- but the sight of Dean shooting up was something that put her on the edge. Only now did she take notice of the sleeping girl on the sofa, almost looking lifeless. "So you've been doing needles huh?" She hissed the words out like venom on her tongue which caused him to drowsily open up his eyes. Even in this state he seemed to narrow his eyes on her in ways that made a snake glare at their prey. Dean licks his lips which felt insanely dry, he glances over at the direction Mercury was looking at to see a cartoonish figure laying on the couch.

He couldn't speak. 

Dean was pretty out of it but he remember the pleasure that was coursing through him only an hour ago. It was the worst sex he had ever had for it was too sentimental and quiet for him- yet nonetheless it had given him what he wanted. His eyes glanced back to Mercury as one of his hands numbly tried to remove the belt that was gripping his arm like a vice. She reached over kneeling on to unclasp it. His rough fingers make their way through her hair. "You make me sick." His grip tightened harshly on the smooth locks wanting nothing more but to detatch her head from her body. His lungs felt like they had been punctured and it was lucky for him to even be awake, he inhaled harshly , his lungs were contracting like a plastic bag trying to get filled with air and his grip loosened as he lay his head back.

She stood up like quickfire noticing the metal tucked into the pocket of his jeans and his grip getting just a little bit too tight. Dean was a quizzical character in which his moods changed faster than the weather and substances seemed to be his only friend. He stood up abruptly flipping the coffee table in front of her. The wood from the leg of the table cutting open the side of her leg and the powder spilling on timbered floor scattering out like sand. Numbly she looked down at her leg which was starting to cause a pool of blood in her socks and exited the room wordlessly.

Dean stood shakily watching her retreating form. He ran his fingers through his hair as his vision blurred. He heard the front door shut- but he wasn't too sure. His senses were heightened and he could feel the thumping of his heart rapidly in his ears and it fucking hurt. He felt for the silver glock tucked into his pocket. He had carried it with him everyday since that night. When he returned that night he placed it on his bedside table staring at it numbly. This piece of metal was the gateway and key to a door that would open up his past hence resulting a relapse. It was a tough battle but in the end Dean didn't care whether he lived or not. The substances and the power the gun gave him were too much to give up. Knees buckling he fell face first onto the carpet narrowly missing the flipped table.

He landed with a harsh thud but he was too numb to feel anything. He was seeing in colours he didn't know existed and the high and pleasure that had been screaming in his veins was now replaced with an overwhelming sense of drowsiness. Mouth agape eyes crossed over Dean headed into the depths of darkness Unsure if he would be able to return.

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