Thirty two

419 13 3

Mercury awoke to the smell of bacon sizzling away in the kitchen, she couldn't remember the last time she had woken up to a cooked breakfast. Usually it was the smell of burnt toast and her father cursing at her mother, complaining about how he couldn't possibly drink his double shot expresso anymore. Her eyes slowly flutter open to find Dean's face snuggled deeply in her neck, warm breaths fanning her neck. His arm was draped over her waist and seemed to fit perfectly on her thin figure. Although it was nice, sleeping with Dean had proved to be a challenge. He had woken up at least five times in the middle of the night, body jolts and groans and sounds of pain before rolling off the bed or kicking the blankets off. At one point his hand had gripped her left thigh tightly, so tight she winced slightly and glancing down she could see the outline of his fingerprints were still there.

He had woken up each time. Walked to the bathroom, ran the tap, took a minute or two, and walked back to bed in a dazed state and slept like nothing had happened. She looked around the room that they were in, it was Dean's room from his younger years. It was a cream white and the walls adorned photos of bikini models, racing cars, and game posters. Yet it was  neat and looked like it hadn't been touched. He had a chess board sitting neatly on a shelf with each piece next to eachother in what Mercury realised to be an alphabetical order based off each colour, and those that were a slightly off white or chipped were arranged in a particular fashion. 

He had books on geography, history, antrapology and much more than that which seemed to arrange in colour code, date issue, and alphabetical order. It made the young girl wonder what past Dean was like. Was he as wild and reckless as he is now? Maybe he was tender on the outside and not as solemn as he seemed. She felt him shift slightly before opening his eyes and lifting his head up slightly to look into her kaledoscope eyes. His heart almost stopped, for some reason he thought she wouldn't be there when he woke up. That perhaps a part of her would leave and driveaway- after all, he is too much to handle.

Yet a small smile placed itself onto his face and the corners of his lips tugged upwards, she would never do that. For she was just as crazy as him. "It's so lovely..." She begins as she leans in closer, lips barely touching. He waits for her to continue as his darker eyes gazed upon hers. "To wake up close to you like this." She meant every word of it truly. Without a second thought, her words ignited a kiss between them. His lips briefly placed themselves on top of hers, a jigsaw puzzle falling into place. He leant on his back and smiled at her. She sat up and stodd from the bed, walking over towards his wardrobe to look for a pair of pants to wear. A frown suddenly placed themselves onto his lips as he sees the marks scattering her creamy legs. "Did I do that?" She looks down to her legs and back up at him. "It's okay Dean, honestly." She didnt care if he left marks on her body or stabbed her with a double edged sword. As long as they were together she would be able to survive. 

He felt a weird feeling in his chest as he thought of the hell of a night he had put her through. Standing up he links his hands through hers and places a kiss on her lips before they exit the room together. Entering the kitchen Dean's mother is squeezing an orange and a group of plates with different food is placed on the table. She stops squeezing and turns around upon seeing them. "Dean! Good morning!" She gives him a quick hug not even giving him time to register what was happening.  To Mercury's dismay, he hugs her back awardly before taking a seat at the table. Dean was fucking starving and coulnd't wait to shovel the food in his mouth. It almost made him smile at the fact that she had made a meal for him. It was evident that she was putting in a large amount of effort to make up for the effort lost. 

"Thanks mum..." He watched a large smile come upon her face and continued finishing the last bit of orange to poour in the jug. Meanwhile Mercury was fuming and absolutely seething in her seat. Her hands stayed placed on her lap and the sight of the meat made her sick. She was happy Dean was eating, but she knew she could've made a better and more worthwhile meal for him. Worst of all his stupid mother hadn't even greeted him and Dean was too indulged in the food to notice her anger. "Are you not going to eat?"

"I don't eat meat."

It was true, as of two weeks ago Mercury stopped eating meat...and a lot of other things. It made her sick and she simply couldn't stomach it down. She couldn't explain why of course, and simply sat there without touching the orange juice. Orange juice was special between her and Dean only, yet here he was gulping it down like a mad man. After finishing eating she dragged him to the room and closed the door. 

"Did you enjoy breakfast?" Her arms were crossed over and every vein in her body was fueling anger throughout the course of her body. "Yeah..." He began to turn around to go to the bed when she grabbed his arm, nails digging into them tightly. "That's our thing, you-you can;t just do that. And what about me? You know I can't just eat! Yet you didn't take that into account did you?" Dean furrowed his eyebrows at his seething girlfriend failing to understand what he did wrong. 

Frustrated at his lack of understanding she kicked over a chair and began wiping the things off his desk to the floor in a frantic fit. "Fuck! Stop that!" He pulled her back from messing up the arrangement of his room and he arm flung out to push him away. Angrily she slapped his right cheek with a hard thwack! and scratched him before steping back. Shoulders heaving up and down before bursting out of the room. 

Maybe she wasn't as controlled as she thought.

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