Forty two

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Violet stared at her boyfriend who she so dearly wanted to slap.

After Mercury's mother had absolutely destroyed Dean's room and left, Violet had locked herself in the bathroom trying to calm her nerves. Eventually Nick managed to coax her out and he placed a cup of tea in her hands as he sat on the opposite couch- she wouldn't let her sit next to him.

"Are you fucking mental?"

Her voice filled the silent room as Nick stared at her. Violet rarely got angry at him, heck they barely ever fought. But, he knew Mercury was a sensitive topic for her. "No baby, I-", "-you what?" She said cutting him off. "You thought it'd be a good idea to tell that witch where our friends are?" Nick scoffed then and placed his mug down onto the coffee table. "She's just going to help them, baby you need to relax." Violet tugged at her african curls and sighed inwardly. 

She didn't understand why he interfered or how he could assume something as stupid as that. "Nick...if she ran away with Dean, don't you think there was a reason?"Nick looked at his girlfriend pondering the question, there could have been a reason but Nick also knew Dean was quite the charmer and Mercury was manipulative- there was no clear reason in his head.

"She has trouble at home for fucks sake, her parents are the reason she is the way she is. And you just went and sent the literal devil to go and burn her!" Violet's chest was pounding and her hands were beginning to feel clammy.  "Well how was i meant to know..." Truth is Nick felt bad. But Nick was also stupid, he was used to making quick rational decisions much like Dean and not thinking about the impact it could have on others. 

"They're literally going to fucking kill her. God, they're probably already killing her", Nick breathed out. Violet looked at Nick in confusion, "what do you mean kill her?" Nick began bouncing his knee anxiously before picking up the mug he had placed down and having a sip. Violet's fears were only heightened upon hearing this and it made her realise Dean must've been much worse than she thought. 

"Dean has antisocial personality disorder... He doesn't really tend to care for other people, he's impulsive, lies...and well...he tends to get very angry and so-" "-so he's killed people?" Violet questioned wobbly. Nick nodded his head and that was all Violet needed to hear. Her thoughts were racing, what if he killed Mercury? Was it such a smart idea for her to have called him? He was obsessed with her, at least it seemed that way...

Violet stood up suddenly knocking her mug off her lap and looking at her boyfriend, walking over to him she pressed a chaste kiss on his lips in forgiveness, "we have to go save her." Violet truly believed Mercury was her twin flame, her best friend. 

Their souls were intertwined as if they had met in a past life, two twin stars orbitting eachother for a lifetime. And Violet was not going to let anything to happen.

She had to stop the supernova before it turned Mercury into debris.


sorry its short but chapters that dont have mercury in it tend to be. also i realised i made an error a while back when writing chapters so this is technically chapter forty one but i'm too lazy to fix it. 


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