Chapter 17

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Despite being a new born baby Ewan slept incredibly well but would eat nonstop if I let him. Keyan adored his son, watching the two of them smiling and happy even though we currently faced a possible bloody battle. I left them happily playing while I went and showered, I let the shower run hot filling the bathroom with steam. In the cupboard under the sink was everything I remembered from my first stay here. Grabbing a bottle of Keyan's shower gel and the new addition of shampoo he'd originally chosen for me. It was strange how these things gave me a strong feeling of comfort. Stripping off then stepping under the hot water I placed the bottles on the bottom of the shower and closed my eyes.
The steam began to clear my head as the water cleaned my body, although I was already certain of Eve's intentions the piece alone under the water helped me think it through quietly. The door to the bathroom clicked open and moments later closed. Keyan's familiar strong hands slipped round my hips, my wolf purred from his touch. I opened my eyes to a grinning alpha "where's....?"
"With Melody, you didn't think I'd leave our son alone did you?" He raised an eye brow looking down at me with a playful smile. "So we have a little..." he lowered his mouth to mine locking us into a kiss of yearning passion.
I gently pushed against his chest denying both of us of continuing the kiss, "believe me I want to but..." I couldn't quiet understand myself why I was pushing back.
He cupped my cheek with one hand while frowning at me "what's wrong? I can feel your wolf. Did I do something wrong?"
"No, no of course you didn't I just," my wolf growled at me for delaying what we both wanted. He gave me a look that said I could tell him anything. "The last time we did this I got pregnant and it's not that I don't like the idea of another baby but I don't think..."
Keyan chuckled and got out of the shower. I stood at the opening of the shower watching as he pulled out a box from under the sink, "it's my fault we weren't careful the first time. I should have used these last time but, and it's not an excuse but to be fair I'd held off you so long." He produced a condom as he turned back to me grinning. Coming back over he pressed a kiss to my lips grinning against me as I wrapped my arms over his shoulders and he lifted me off the shower floor.

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