Chapter 29

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Beams of light warmed my bare skin as I lay in bed alone. After our day together Keyan had gone with Samuel to meet with the other alphas. They were forming a sort of government and getting in contact with other packs all over the world, to do this they had gone down to London. He'd been gone three weeks now, which was taking its toll on me. I'd had to apologise to several pack members for being a little short tempered. I missed him though, he was too far away at least I had Ewan to distract me from missing his father. However Ewan had begun to look more and more like Keyan everyday, which was not a bad thing at all.
I yawned stretching my arms up and climbing out of the bed. Ewan had just begun to stir which I could hear on the baby monitor. I had insisted we didn't need one but Keyan wanted so we could take it out when we went on runs together, even though we'd never leave Ewan alone.
Hearing a quiet tap on the door I quickly pulled on one of Keyan's shirts I'd been keeping on the bed and walked to the bedroom door. Eve and Kate stood on the other side, Kate holding Ewan "he was crying a little." I took him from her a bit confused why they were here so early. Kate looked at Eve briefly before asking "can we talk?"
"Yeah sure," we headed down stairs to the living room where I sat in the big armchair to feed Ewan. The girls sat to my right on the sofa, both looked nervous. "Is something wrong?"
"No, no" Kate smiled as did Eve. "Uh we actually have good news."
Eve nodded excitedly "yes really good news." She nudged Kate, "you tell her."
"Well we both have just been to see Donald with Kelvin and Caleb. We found out that we both are expecting," Kate was buzzing while Eve was being more reserved about it.
"That's wonderful news, I'm so happy for the both of you. Are you due similar times then?" I asked cradling Ewan gently.
"Kate is about two weeks further along." Rubbing the back of her head her cheeks flushed red as she added "Kelvin and I may have gotten carried away the first few days together."
"That's brilliant, I'm so happy for the both of you. I imagine Caleb and Kelvin are excited to become dads," I couldn't be more pleased for them all. "I can't wait for Keyan to come home so we can celebrate."

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