Chapter 23

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We were met at the clearing by the Alphas and Lunas from the meeting last night, each had brought five warriors with them. I squeezed Keyan's hand the distance between us and Ewan, my heart aching but it was for the best which still didn't make it easy. Keyan kissed my forehead then walked over to the other Alphas. I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder which caused me to spin round quickly.
Holding her hands up Katie forced a smile, "hey it's just me."
"I'm sorry, I just have a" I looked over to the other side of the clearing spotting Cain's forces. My stomach dropped, this was real. This was happening he wasn't giving up, this self absorbed dictator was ready to destroy anyone that got in his way. The anger boiled up inside me, the mere thought he'd harm my pack, my little Ewan.
Keyan walked back over to me "channel that." He kissed my head again then walking side by side flanked by our own pack warriors and followed with the other alphas, Lunas and warriors we marched forward to meet Cain.
The air was still the soft crunch of dry earth beneath our feet echoed across the clearing. Closer the armies drew to one another, closer to the building battle. Distance between soon was mere metres, which now revealed Cain's forces were made up of mostly rogues, thugs with no morals. Some were already in their wolf forms.
"I see you've aligned yourself with rogues now," Keyan mocked. I could tell he was holding back lunging right at Cain, a Luna threatened was an Alpha on the edge.
Suppressing a growl Cain replied "last chance, stand down and hand her over and we'll forget all about this miss understanding."
"Liar!" I screamed as he was already morphing, leaping towards me. Keyan shifted blocking Cain's attack as Katie pulled me out of the way. Shifting I suddenly realised two rogues clawing at Keyan. I growled but Katie along with Caleb and Kelvin shifted in front of me. Pushing up against them I was frozen when I heard Keyan's voice inside my head "run please" the desperation in his voice made me rear back and bolt for the forest.
Wolfs clashed each side of me. A rogue leaped in front of me but was quickly shoved by a warrior on our side. They tumbled to my left as I continued to run past the tree line. Stopping I looked back with the sudden urge to go back and safe Keyan but as I did I saw Cain plowing through the colliding wolves, a blood thirsty look in his eyes.

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