Chapter 14

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Ewan didn't sleep for long after Melody and I arrived at the safe house. A little hungry cry that I was happy to correct. Cradled in my arms feeding he looked so tiny and fragile. It was almost unbelievable that one day he'd take over as alpha from Keyan.
I was broken from my daydreaming when Melody knocked on the door. She stepped into the bedroom with the bags we'd left behind in the car. "The others have turned up and are guarding outside. I checked the perimeter and it's all clear." She put the bags at the end of the bed, "Alpha has said he'll come as soon as he can. He said not to worry and pretend this is a holiday." She chuckled knowing it was a silly thing that Keyan had sent as a message but I knew why he'd said it. Sighing Melody stood and glanced out the window, "I wouldn't unpack." Rubbing the back of her neck she headed back to the bedroom door stopping in the doorway. "I don't want to scare you but there was a clear scent on the fallen tree. I believe it's the beast."
My head lulled into a nod before I said "how dangerous is the beast? Be honest and blunt with me," I couldn't care for beating round the bush right now.
Melody came back into the room shutting the door then sat on the edge of the bed. The expression on her face was hiding nothing, "the beast will torture you if she catches you. Then slowly enjoy killing you, which I'm afraid is a possibility if they break through the guards." Ewan gurgled sleepily nuzzling into my stomach. "I will stop the beast from getting either of you with my life."
I reached out placing my hand on hers, "I would prefer we all make it out of this. As far as I'm concerned you are my cousin, you are family." She cracked a smile turning her hand to give mine a gentle squeeze. "Would you mind putting this little one down?"
Melody nodded standing up from the bed and walking over to Ewan and I. I slightly raised Ewan's little tired body. She easily scooped him up, cooing as she carried him to the Moses basket. So naturally she cooed to Ewan as he drifted to sleep. I was so grateful she was here with me, now I only needed Keyan to come. Without him this was a constant overwhelming feeling of dread dragging all the light out of me.

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