Chapter 7

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Keyan took me back to our house alone he didn't seem keen in taking the trip too slowly either. Baring in mind I couldn't move very fast, pack members cheerfully waved hello. I tried to be just as cheerfully but between what Melody had said and the heat I just felt uncomfortable. I was glad once we were back inside with fans going blowing a small amount of cool air. My head seemed to clear with the fans and I found myself asking in a angry voice "what's in that transcript?"
Keyan brought me to the couch sitting me down before he answered. "Amy I want you to understand that what's in the transcript shows that..."
"Keyan please just show me the transcript," he dug in his pocket and passed me the paper. I skimmed through the words, Cain did sound desperate. Then came the part that made my stomach twist, "I'm a liability."
"No, no you're not" Keyan took my hands "you're not a liability. Cain is sick and there's no way I'm letting him get to you or our baby." I gently squeezed his hands scrunching the paper between us. "I know you want to make decisions together but I really do think Melody would be a good bodyguard for you, for you both."
"I don't get what the beast is though? I feel like everyone else does and I don't." I folded my arms over the baby bump as I felt a small twinge. Ignoring it I heaved myself up off the couch.
"Amy please sit down and I'll explain," I sat down a bit reluctantly. "The beast is somewhat of a modern legend, they're one of us as in a werewolf but at some point during whatever training they received, they started to..."
"Keyan I can handle it," I said stubbornly.
He sighed "they began torturing their kills. Then they tortured and killed an elder and were locked away indefinitely. The fact Cain is willing to unleash it shows a desperate man, but worse for us because that thing enjoys killing." He took my hands squeezing a little harder than normal, "Melody is not to leave your side and I'll have more wolves guarding the house."
I felt another twinge "I know you should be training the younger wolves but can you stay with me today?" Something was telling me he shouldn't go too far from me.
"I can't just yet, but lets get you upstairs and then I'll go sort things out and then I'm all yours." He leaned over kissing my lips softly for a moment before standing back up. Walking over to the front door he stuck his head said something I couldn't quiet hear then came back. He didn't waste anymore time picking me up, cradling me in his arms. Once up in our room he placed me on the bed and kissed me again. He went to his knees beside the bed and pressed out foreheads together. "I love you, I'm afraid that I've started a war we can't win."
I took his hands in mine "we will win, together." I pressed my lips to his holding us together. When we pulled apart he stood up smiling before disappearing to sort out my new protection detail.

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