Chapter 22

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Melody swaddled Ewan close to her chest then Max helped her put a backpack over her shoulders. He too put a backpack on his back before Keyan leaned close to give them instructions. They were to head higher into the mountains and out of the territory to an ally a few miles on from there. I came down the stairs now dressed in the jumpsuit, which upon getting into it discovered a concealed blade. Walking to Melody I kissed Ewan whispering "I love you my sweet cub."
Melody frowned "are you sure you want us to do this?" She asked tucking the sling swaddle so it shielded Ewan's head.
"Yes, I trust you to take care of this pack's future. I need to be with Keyan and Ewan needs to be safe," it pained me to send my newborn son off with anyone but at least with Melody if the worst happened she'd know what to do to keep him safe.
Melody nodded "come on Max we better get going."
"As should we," Keyan kissed Ewan's head too. "Be brave my little warrior," he stepped back letting Melody and Max head out the front door. Once out of sight I felt myself wanting to cry thinking the worse. Keyan pulled me into his arms "we will see him again, this won't be like when your parents left you to protect you, I promise." He held me tight, I could sense he was holding back howling worry too. "Come on we have places to be too," he took my hand and we walked out the back door. Kelvin stood with Katie, Caleb and five other pack warriors that had been chosen to be with us. Katie nodded to us with a reassuring small smile. "Let's go," I walked with Keyan through the trees where two trucks were waiting.
Keyan, katie, Caleb, Kelvin and I climbed in the first truck. Kelvin got in the drivers seat and headed off along the track. Keyan and I were in the back of the truck standing on the flatbed. He took hold of my hand squeezing gently on the short ride to the clearing which hugged close to the western edge of the pack territory.
The closer we got the more tense Keyan grip on my hand became. So much had happened since we'd met, from him saving me to having a baby and declaring war against a force we should have been working with it had been a hectic ride. I just hoped we'd get on a smooth ride for the rest of our lives.

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