Chapter 4

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I heard Keyan before I saw him. The anger radiated off him as he burst into the bedroom and slammed the door behind himself. He growled toward me "don't ever question me in front of the pack."
"My instincts..." I began.
"Your instincts?! You're pregnant, your hormones are all over the place." He shouted back at me.
"Get out!" I screamed feeling hurt he didn't trust me.
"What?" He frowned.
Katie pushed the door open and grabbed Keyan's arm swinging him out the door. "Seriously you idiot, she doesn't need this from you. Go cool off," she shut the door in his face and turned back to me. She didn't say a word but started to potter around the bed.
A few minutes passed and we looked up to the sound of knocking on the door. Katie went to the door and opened it a little "yes?" I could hear Keyan mumble something before Katie let him inside. "Goodnight you two," she walked out shutting the door behind her.
We stared at each other in silence, Keyan stood by the end of the bed. He slowly came round the bed and sat on his side. "I'm sorry, I'm's just I love you so much and I'm scared to loose you. I'm scared if I don't keep every single one of these people away from you, strangers they'll hurt you."
I reached across putting my hand on his, "I know. I'm scared too but she said join, that's what made me think she's not bad and I know my hormones are all over the place but we can't be afraid of everyone and act irrationally." He nodded then stripped off, climbing in the bed. Lying on his side he looked up at me and placed a hand on my belly just as the baby kicked. "Promise me we will hear her out in the morning."
"I promise," I nodded then lay back down in the bed and he pulled me gently into his arms. We lay quietly then Keyan suggested "when we talk to her in the morning would you like to come and listen?"
I thought for a moment wether that was actually sensible considering my state but I did want to hear this girl out, after all from what she said uncle Samual had raised her. Curiosity was clearly not wanting me to stay away, "yes I would like to. I want to know what she's like, like really like. If what she says is true she knows uncle Samual in a way I didn't get the chance to." My voice trailed off and I rubbed my eyes realising there were tears there. This girl showing up had made it clear I'd only just learnt of this world.
Keyan rubbed my tummy "what's going on in that beautiful mind of yours?"
I forced a smile and rubbed my eyes till they felt sore, "nothing. I'm just a little tired, that's all."

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