Chapter 13

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Watching the trees go by along the small dirt track we drove further up the hill towards a small cabin, I found myself clutching the seat belt. I'd grown to trust Melody but being this far from Keyan felt wrong. Glancing over at Ewan I felt my heart sink, his father should be here but I knew this plan was a way of protecting us.
Melody shouted suddenly "watch out!" The car came to an abrupt halt.
I jolted forward as much as the seatbelt would allow before asking "what's wrong?" Melody was already out of the car though stood in the headlights, I peered past her to see a tree had fallen on the dirt track. She kicked the trunk then came round to my side opening the door.
"We will have to walk from here. We will lift the pram over the fallen tree then press on," she looked over at Ewan before going round to the back of the car. The driver had joined her and I could hear them talking. "Go back and gather the others, I think this was done deliberately." I heard his footsteps fade away as Melody came back to my door with one of the bags. "Basics for Ewan and you," she also had a small back pack as well as the little hold-all. She looked tense, concerned.
"Melody be honest with me," I tried to use my most stern Luna voice.
"I'll tell you as we walk," she gushed her voice to add "fast." I unclipped the seatbelt and went round for Ewan. Once he was tucked in my arms I joined Melody by the fallen tree, she'd already lugged the pram and bag over the tree. She then headed round the tree with me following closely behind. I quickly put Ewan in the pram and tucked the blankets round him. Then we headed up the dirt road. A few moments of only the crunch of the wheels and then Melody said, "I think someone did this on purpose. The others will meet us up at the safe house, we need to move quickly but calmly." I simply nodded keeping pace with her.
We walked in silence till rounding the last bend to the safe house. It was a small version of our main home tucked into the trees. Had Kenya and I had time for a honeymoon this is where traditionally the alpha and Luna would come, leaving the pack territory for a honeymoon was considered bad luck.
Melody didn't waste time with opening up the house, she then carried the pram up the steps inside. I followed and as soon as she placed the pram down I picked up Ewan.
"I'm gonna do a quick perimeter check then stay at the door waiting for the others. Why don't you get some sleep while the little one is sleeping." Melody hovered around the door more looking out of it than at me.
"Be careful," I replied taking Ewan up to the bedroom. I stood at the front window and watched melody head left out of the door.
The bedroom was like the one back at home except that it just had a Moses basket on a prop in the corner. Gently I placed Ewan in the basket, making sure he was warm enough then sat by the window. I knew Melody was right to suspect foul play but now I was silently praying that we were safe and the tree fell if it's own accord.

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