Chapter 11

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Over the next few days as I recovered and Ewan became stronger there was a buzz in the air. Keyan had insisted that we wait to celebrate with the pack so I could fully enjoy the party. He barely left my side, remaining in wolf form the entire time. He lay with Ewan right beside him gurgling as his dad nuzzled his little belly. I watched them from the bathroom door having changed into a cotton blue summer dress. "Are my two boys ready to face the entire pack?" Ewan gurgled and Keyan leapt from the bed shifting to his human form. My cheeks flushed so quickly hiding it I picked up Ewan.
Keyan came up behind me grinning as he slipped his hands on to my hips. "What you blushing for?" He teased kissing my cheek.
"I wish we good live in this moment," there was fear in me knowing the danger that was just over the horizon.
He gently squeezed my hips "don't let them taint our happiness. I know it's hard but right now we are happy and safe." He kissed my cheek again then slowly strutted towards the wardrobe. I watched as he pulled out a shirt and a pair of his smart jeans, basically the pair without any holes in them. Disappearing for a moment into the bathroom he reappeared fully dressed. "Ready?" I nodded in response and he opened the bedroom door for me and Ewan.
We walked together down to the living room where Kate, Caleb, Donald, uncle Samual and Melody were waiting. Kate couldn't stood herself from standing up and coming over to see Ewan. She cooed at Ewan before stepping back to Caleb. "He's gorgeous," I could tell she was catching baby fever. I took a deep breath and nodded so she and Caleb went to the front door and opened it.
They all went out first before Keyan but a hand on my lower back, guiding me outside. The entire pack was out in a huge crowd in front of the house. We walked through the crowd with Melody following closely as pack members congratulated us. Eventually reaching a platform under a wooden gazebo. Melody positioned herself behind us looking out to the forest, she was completely focused on protecting us. There was a few other wolves surrounding the forest side of the gazebo too, it was the first of the team I'd seen that Melody had created to guard Ewan and I.
Keyan put up his hands to hush the pack before beginning. "First I have to thank you all for your patience waiting to see the future of this pack. My new and first son was born three days ago and I cannot be more proud of my wife." He took a deep breath smiling, no beaming with pride. "I hope we can all help Ewan to one day take my place as your Alpha but much more importantly help him to grow and be happy within our pack." There was stifled cheers, all trying not to startle the baby. Keyan slipped a hand round my hip pulling us close to him.

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