Chapter 21

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Ewan's cry woke both Keyan and me. Keyan rolled falling out of the bed. I giggled sleepily before climbing out of bed stretching. "It's just Ewan," I smiled warmly before going over to the cot.
"I knew that," Keyan grumbled standing up off the floor. "Why don't I take him?"
Picking up Ewan I chuckled, "I think he's hungry but thank you for the thought. Why don't you get ready, because as sexy as this look is I don't think it's appropriate for a battle." He walked up to me pressing his chest to my back burying his head into the curve of my neck. "Keyan, come on I need to feed Ewan" he let go grumbling as he kissed my cheek and headed to the bathroom. Meanwhile I climbed into the bed and tucked myself and Ewan within the sheets to feed him. I heard the shower water and sighed.
Keyan wasn't in the shower long. He walked out of the bathroom with a towel round his waist and another towel in his hand. With the towel in his hand he rubbed his hair drying it into a spiky state. Grinning at me he then pulled up a duffel bag onto the end of the bed. He pulled out a plain shirt and a pair of his smarter jeans.
"Dressing to impress?" I was trying to make light of what was to come.
Pulling the shirt and jeans on "yes there's actually something for you in the wardrobe. I hope it's okay, I know you probably don't need me picking out clothes I just thought you'd like it and well Kate said I should get you something more suitable for a warrior Luna." I raised an eyebrow at him as he came round the bed, he leaned down kissing my forehead. "I'll go get my warrior Luna some breakfast," he half heartedly smiled. Then without another word he left heading down the stairs.
I didn't feel like eating, the weight of what may be to come was crushing. At least I had Ewan to concentrate on. How glad I was he had no idea what was going on, one day we'd tell him but for now his innocence would be preserved. Stroking his head I looked over to the wardrobe wondering what lay inside that was so special. Keyan had spoilt me constantly, there seemed to be no end of gifts since we married. None of it though could measure up to an evening with him, which before Ewan was born became harder to fit in.
I was distracted by my thoughts by Keyan coming back in the bedroom with a tray of food. "Wasn't sure what you'd fancy this morning so but Melody and Max were already cooking bacon and porridge so I brought both." He sat them down on the bedside table before going to the wardrobe. Opening the door and reaching inside he pulled out a black jumpsuit with emerald lace flowing from the waist down. Turning back to me he grinned as I did, "does my warrior Luna approve?"
"Yes she does."

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