Chapter 9

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I groaned loudly and long, sweat dripping off my brow. Although the contractions had started a good four hours ago, there was still no sign of the baby. Keyan had practically fell up the stairs into the bedroom, he then built a nest of cushions, big pillows and blankets between the bed and the window. Donald has just finished checking me over, taking a break for now. We were alone with only Melody stood by the door guarding us. With his strong hands Keyan rubbed my shoulders humming softly. It was soothing to have him here. Another contraction made me groan louder. I squeezed onto Keyan's hands tightly with my eyes shut. "They're happing more often," I felt him kiss the back of my head then stand up. He was nervous, at least I had the pain distracting me from the impending thoughts that soon we'd be parents.
I let out a yelp, this time I knew it was go time. I then noticed the wet pool suddenly forming. "Keyan my waters!" In a panicked voice I stared at Keyan then screamed. He came back down to the best of blankets and took my hand. I mumbled "I-I can't do this," I squeezed his hand as another wave from the contractions forced my body to tense. In that moment I was so afraid. I felt too weak to do this. My breath kept hitching over and over as I slipped further into panic.
I barely noticed Donald rush in and position himself by my feet as Keyan whispered. "Look at me," it was in that demanding alpha voice. His voice then changed to the voice he used when ever I'd had a nightmare or was afraid, soft, purring warmth. "You can do this, and I'm right here." Kissing my knuckles he added "I love you." I squeezed hard again this time pushing with everything I had.
Donald was on his knees by my feet with a serious look on his face, "that's it. Wow this baby ain't wasting no time," his words of encouragement felt more annoying than anything.
Groaning with clenches teeth I pushed again, the effort becoming less. "I can't...." I muttered breathlessly. From the doorway I saw melody come over to Keyan and whisper something. He nodded sharply before she disappeared again. "W-whats wrong?" I asked before pushing again screaming.
"Nothing, just concentrate on the baby. You've got this," his voice was helping a tiny bit as I pushed once again.
This one warranted a "nearly there, heads out." A mixture of relief and panic washed over me. Keyan gave my balled up fist another squeeze of reassurance before finally with one more huge effort I pushed as hard as my energy would allow and collapsed. I knew instinctively the baby was out but couldn't focus on the joy. I felt sick, dizzy my eyes were blurry but I put it down to just giving birth. That was until I heard Donald faintly say "I need to stop the bleeding" and I slipped into blackness.

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