Chapter 18

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Melody cooed over Ewan by the study door as Keyan, I and three other alphas and their mates surrounded the desk, which a map of the pack's territory lay on top. We'd been taking turns in suggesting the best battle ground would be. I was honestly growing tired, especially as Keyan and I had only moments of stillness before they'd arrived. All the packs were waiting in different areas of the territory to unsure Cain would have no idea exactly how many allies we had.
An older alpha, I guessed in his 40s pressed his finger on the map. It was over the largest of clearings, "we are all agreed that we'd have the best advantage from here to conceal our warriors."
Keyan nodded before adding "make sure your packs are in position at sunrise." There was a grunt of agreement before they all began to depart. Once the study was empty Keyan called "Melody," who appeared with Ewan tucked in her arms. She passed Ewan to Keyan before leaving and shutting the door behind her. He sat behind the desk with his son and sighed. "This could be the last time we're together like this."
I placed a hand on his shoulder "Keyan please don't talk like that." Stepping in front of him I went down on my knees and placed a hand under Ewan's head. "Our family still has so much more to do together. When the sun rises tomorrow we will walk out together and take this threat on and then we will come back to our beautiful baby." When he looked at me I saw something in his eyes that made me shiver, "what's wrong?"
He shook his head "I'm being realistic."
I shook my head back "so am I." Standing up I kissed both Ewan's forehead and Keyan's. "I'm going to get some air." I left the study, walking past Melody and out the back door, not before grabbing one of Keyan's hoodies that was hanging off the back of a kitchen chair. Outside the wind was blowing stronger than it hand an hour or so earlier, a storm was brewing. I slipped the hoodie on and walked to the edge of the tall pines.
My wolf senses were getting stronger, not only that but I felt a deep need to run. The connection I felt with my wolf was powerful. When I was with Keyan she had a way of making me want him uncontrollably. I knew from Keyan and Katie that my wolf would take over if need be, she was my primal instinct and right now she was telling me to run.
Shaking my head I turned back to the house seeing a pair of pack members walking towards me. "Is everything alright Luna?" The younger one which I recognised as Max, he had only just graduated to warrior level.
"As right as it can be," I offered a weak smile.
The other one, Max's older brother Kelvin frowned cocking his head "Max why don't you go make some hot chocolate, I'm sure the Luna would appreciate it." Max obediently jogged to the backdoor, his brother making sure he'd gone inside before looking back to me. "Luna it's not safe out here, Eve warned you."
I frowned narrowing my eyes at him, "how do you know Eve?"

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