Chapter 12

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Throughout the party members of the pack brought up gifts for Ewan and congratulated us. Caleb had fetched a padded rocking chair for me and I was currently rocking gently feeding Ewan under a blanket. He was unfazed by the fussing and noise surrounding him for the first time. I was surprised but also not surprised as though I knew instinctively he was a calm, chill baby. Slowly he fell asleep curling up into a tiny little ball in my arms. I found myself watching everyone and everything closer than before I had Ewan.
Melody suddenly appeared by Keyan and they turned away heads bent close together. I frowned feeling Keyan tensing and noticing the other wolves guarding us form a tighter ring around the back of the gazebo.
I climbed to my feet cradling Ewan close to my chest and walked over to Melody and Keyan. Melody motioned to the guards and they all shifted including her. Keyan came to me calmly putting a hand on my shoulder. "Stay calm, there's an army of rogues that have crossed our boarders. Melody is going to take you and Ewan to a safe house quietly so as far as anyone knows you are still here."
Bending my head to him "you will come too?"
"Not right away, please trust me" he kissed my forehead.
"I do," I reached up kissing his cheek. Melody motioned with an arm to the steps down off the gazebo. I led the way back to the house. The other wolves stayed outside while Melody followed me in. "There's bags packed in the study, I just need to pack Ewan's things."
"I'll put these in the car then come help, the car seat is already in ready. I'll pack some food too," she slipped into the study as I headed up the stairs.
Once in the bedroom I put Ewan in his crib before going to the little chest of draws at the end of the crib containing his clothes, nappies and all his other bits and pieces. A little case sat beside this which I opened up and proceeded to back up as much as I could into it. I must have been packing for a while when Melody tapped my shoulder.
"We need to go," she whispered quietly knowing Ewan was deep asleep. I nodded and closed the case, Melody picked it up heading out to the car. I meanwhile picked up Ewan to follow her out.
I didn't want to leave Keyan, I was scared that without him something awful would happen. As I made it to the bottom of the stairs a strange feeling came over me. It was like I could feel a dark uncertain force push my body. I shook it off and quickly made my way through the kitchen and out to the car parked outside the back of the house. Melody opened the back door of the car so I could put Ewan in his little car seat. Once he was clipped in I got in on the opposite side behind the drivers seat. Melody was in the passenger seat and one of the guard wolves got in the drivers side.
The party was still going on and I could hear music coming from the main area where'd I had just been. Keyan was still there with everyone acting like nothing was wrong for now.

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