Chapter 58- The Beach

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"Hey, buddy! Let's go to the beach!" Nendo invites me happily, carrying a large inflatable orca at his side and wearing a generic Hawaiian shirt. "I was walking by and saw the last name 'Saiki' on the mailbox so I figured this must be where ol' Kusuo lives!"

"Ku, is this your friend?" My mom asks, her hand shaking as she points at the 6' 3" teen at the door.

He's not my friend. I explain, but to no avail.

"Oh, dear! My little boy has another friend! I'm so happy!" She cries, tears of pure joy streaming down her face.

"Sorry, Girly-girl, but me and him ain't friends." Mom gasps in shock, turning to Nendo, but he quickly finishes his sentence before she can get mad. "WE'RE BEST BUDDIES!" He yells, draping an arm around my shoulder.

"Oh, dear! My little boy is finally getting a normal life!"

"I didn't know you had a sister, pal!" Nendo mentions, turning to me.

"Oh, dear, he thinks I look young enough to be Ku's sister!" She sniffles, attempting to dry her tears with her handkerchief.

How many times are you going to make her cry?

"Wait, what? I didn't know you were Saiki's mom!" Nendo exclaims, shock echoing in his words. Mom nods, smiling.

"Guilty as charged. What brought you here, Big guy?"

"I wanted Saiki to come with me to the beach!"

"Oh, that's so fun!" Mom squeals, still hardly able to control her excitement at my growing group of "friends".

"Yeah, most of the class is going, but buddy wasn't in class after exams to know!"

Oh, I knew. I just didn't want to go.

Yeah, I'm not going. Sorry. I voice, wanting nothing more than to watch TV with some coffee jelly to enjoy. Mom's head snaps to my direction, her quirk shining through her eyes as she glares at me with pure hatred.

"Your best buddy went out of his way to ask you in person. You're going to the beach, Kusuo."

Oh, dear...

"I didn't know so many of my buddies lived so close together!" Nendo smiles, walking annoyingly close to me as we head to the beach.

What do you mean? We're almost on the other side of town.

"Huh? But we've only passed one ramen shop! That's so close!" I ignore this, deciding it's not worth the potential threat of losing brain cells to talk to the oaf. "Oh, we're here!" Nendo yells out of excitement, rushing to the front door and leaving me at the sidewalk. I stare blankly at the mailbox, the name inscribed on it somehow calming me slightly.


Wait, Saiki?



"Fine? That easy?"

"Shut up." Bakugo shoves his hands into his pockets, shouldering past the confused Nendo and stopping in front of me.



"I didn't think you'd come, buddy! I know you said in class you didn't want to, but I thought I'd invite you anyway because if I were sitting at home doing nothing I'd sure want to go to the beach!" We walk in silence, mostly because Nendo has decided to sandwich himself between us, but nonetheless, we're both abnormally at ease, even with Nendo chatting up a storm. The idea of being so close makes him background noise, unimportant.

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